
Day 14: Transportation


What even.

This is the weirdest topic I’ve ever had to write on.. My younger brother just laughed when I told him what I was writing on.


And I still can’t think of anything.

So basically, transportation is like a blessing because well, how on earth did people travel all over the city without it? Forget cities, what about travelling to dufferent countries. Clearly transportation is one of the best things that mankind has invented.



A What Even Teenager.


Food And What It Means To Me

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 12: Food


How do I even begin to talk about food?

I absolutely LOVE food. The forever kind of love.

It’s scary actually.

I probably care more about food than a lot of other things.

Messed up priorities, I know.

Food is like the peanut butter to my jelly;


It’s the apple to my pie;


It’s the cheese to my macaroni;


It’s the fizz to my Pepsi;


It’s the bread to my butter;


It’s the gravy to my mashed potato;


It’s the marshmallow to my hot chocolate;


It’s the cheese to my nachos;


It’s the dimsums to my sui mai;


It’s the butter chicken to my naan;


It’s the pizza to well, my pizza;


It’s the frosting to my cupcake;


It’s the milk to my cookie;


It’s the bacon to my eggs;


It’s the glaze to my donut;


It’s the cherry to my sundae;


It’s the milky to my way;

milky way

It’s the pop to my tart;


It’s the corn to my pop;


It’s the ketchup to my fries;


It’s the ice to my cream;


It’s the chocolate to my brownie;


It’s the beat to my heart;


It’s the love to my life.

Glad I could describe what food means to me đŸ˜‰

A Super Hungry Teenager.


31 Day Challenge for January :Day 12 – The Top 10 Books Every Teenager Should Read

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 12: The theme is Top 10

So I decided to list the Top 10 books that every teenager should read. (I’ve read them all and I’ve personally loved them, but then again it’s different for each person.)

And Beware, if you like Chicken Soup and blah blah blah you’re looking in the wrong place.

And I don’t care if you’ve seen the movies. They don’t count.

And parents, please don’t think of this as a way to get to know your teen better. We’re made to be misunderstood and in a twisted way, we actually like it. So don’t read this list and immediately start analysing every teens mind.

So here it goes (in no particular order)

1) The Harry Potter Series- If you haven’t read the series, then well… you’re missing out on something.

2) To Kill A Mockingbird – There is NO mockingbird in this book and no, this is NOT a recipe book either. The mockingbird is just a metaphor but it’s an amazing read in the end. You probably won’t understand the book the first time and will have to read in 5 times over. Just saying.

3) Divergent Trilogy – This trilogy has the most amazing concept. Ever. If you haven’t already read it, read it NOW.

4) The Perks Of Being A Wallflower- This book deals with a lot of issues which a lot of us face. (By us I mean teenagers).

5) Hunger Games Trilogy- I’ve never really come across someone who hasn’t read this book yet. Well basically read it cause in a weird way you might be able to relate to the books.

6) Percy Jackson – I’m a MAJOR fan of the series. Please read it. (I’m literally begging here)

7)1984- Written by George Orwell I hadn’t read this book until last week. But it’s extremely well written and I urge you all to read it.

8) Ways to Live Forever- I know how everyone thinks The Fault In Our Stars is THE BEST book that deals with cancer, but I just think it’s overrated. Ways to Live Forever is so well written that it’ll bring tears to your eyes.

9) The Book Thief-  Trying to make sense of the horrors of World War II, Death relates the story of Liesel — a young German girl whose book-stealing and storytelling talents help sustain her family and the Jewish man they are hiding, as well as their neighbors.

10) Saving June – This story revolves around the lives of June’s younger sister, her bestfriend and a strange boy after June commits suicide. No, this is NOT a sad book, well it isn’t after the beginning.

So read these and lemme know how you like them đŸ™‚

A Happy With Her Post Teenager


31 Day Challenge for January: Day 11

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 11: The theme is “confession”.


I have somthing I really needed to let you guys know..

It’s this huge burden on my back and I’m going to feel so liberated after confessing this.





Are you sure you want to know?





Okay then.






You are warned









Here it is,

I’m a psychic ponguinda! đŸ˜›


GOTCHA! *yells this at you unsuspecting people*


But on a more serious note this is what I’d like to confess: People think I’m emotional, they think I cry easily. What they don’t realise is that I don’t cry because I’m upset or because I care too much or even because I’m sensitive. I cry because I’m frustrated. And sometimes I have days when all I do is curl up and cry for hours and after that I honestly feel so much better. It’s this weird reaction I have. I don’t even know why I cry when I’m frustrated.

So yea.

That’s about it,

A Just Confessed A Weird Thing Teenager


31 Day Challenge for January: Day 10

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 10: The theme is “memories”.

Memories can be both pleasant and  make you want to huddle up in your blanket and cry for hours. I’m one of the lucky ones(or the unfortunate ones) that haven’t had a lot of memories that make me feel like I’m living a nightmare.

People have both good and bad days, it’s what happens after the storm that shapes you as a person. Your memories influence who you become and the decisions you make in the future, whether you like them or not.

One of the funniest memories I have is when our family was going out on a drive. (Heads up: My brothers name is the same name as that of a God.)  So as usual we were bickering in the car (because hooray for sibling rivalry) when we passed a shop with my name on it. So I started pointing out shops and restaurants and everything that had my name on it and telling my brother that they were named after me because I’m awesome! (I was like 12 at that time so don’t judge and I have an amazing nickname.) My brother was just 6 at that time so well he was pretty clueless (still is if you ask me). He looks at me with this straight face and calmly tells me “Well, I have a God named after me.”

Funniest thing ever. I think we didn’t stop laughing for the entire drive and my brother,poor thing (note the sarcasm) didn’t understand what was going on.

Now this example is probably not the best way to tell you that your memories influence your decisions but hey, I got to embarrass my younger brother on the Internet so I’m happy! Besides that’s exactly what older siblings live for, to get a rise out of their younger siblings đŸ˜€

Be on here tomorrow (See? I’m becoming punctual) ,

A Still Laughing At The Memory Teenager.



31 Day Challenge for January: Day 9

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 9: The theme is “Made with love”.


I’m so confused with this theme.

I give up.

Something that I made with love?

Birthday and anniversary cards, gifts and cakes I guess.


I’m done.


I have sooo much baking to do today

Sorry for the teeny tiny posts

They’ll get better


A In A Hurry Teenager.


31 Day Challenge for January: Day 8

31 Day Challenge

Day 8: The theme is ‘honesty’.


Here we go. *This is one of the rare times you’ll hear me being seriously honest. Like I don’t think I’m going to joke at all.*

I think honesty is important but overrated. I think people are hypocritical when it comes to honesty. They expect you to be completely honest with them and what do you get in return?

That’s right. Zilch. Nada. Just a gaping hole left in the place of trust.

That’s all I have to say.

Sorry, I’ve just had a really bad day.

I’ll post something better tomorrow,

A I Want To Curl Up And Cry Teenager.



31 Day Challenge for January: Day 7

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 7: The theme is “shoes”.

Wait, what?


Seriously. I’m the last person to care or even think about shoes. I know,I’m not the stereotypical girl.

*2 Hours Later*

*I’m good at procrastinating* đŸ˜›

Oh shoot! I still have to finish this post. *freaks out a bit and then starts taking shoes out of the shoe cupboard*.

I decided that I have nothing to write. Literally. So I shall tell you my shoes by giving them each an award. *yes, this is not absurd at all.*

Best School Shoes (I only have one but well, who’s counting)- My Black Converse *hearts*

Most Used Shoes (I don’t know how I still have these)- These pinkish shoes- yes, I’ve forgotten the brand.

Best Coloured Shoes ( HAAAH! I had to think of something!) – Purple slippers đŸ˜›

Most Dressy Shoes — These wedges that I have.

Most Comfortable Shoes (drumroll cause this is the last one) — These Nike ones đŸ™‚

And there you have it.

Now I have to go put them back thanks to this post.

The things you do for a post. *sighs heavily*

Signing off,

A I’m In A Hurry To Put My Shoes Back Teenager


31 Day Challenge for January: Day 6

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 6: The theme is ’embarrassment’.

Well, truth be told if you’re friends with me, then you no longer feel embarrassed ever. Literally. I’ve embarrassed my friend while walking down this really busy road and everyone was just staring at us wondering if we escaped from the asylum or not. And I haven’t done that only once; it’s happened repeatedly.. It happens every time I meet up with my friends.


That’s the thing about embarrassment; it becomes a whole lot funnier when you have friends who embarrass you on a daily basis and even after that manage to make you laugh. I think embarrassment is directly proportional to how close you are to your friends (See how I casually slipped a math/physics term in? đŸ˜› ). You can embarrass yourself in front of complete strangers and then wish that you could slowly slink away into the darkness but if you embarrass yourself in front of your close friends (even though they’re the reason you’re embarrassed) they won’t let you become the Christmas grump and soon enough,you’ll find it hilarious as well.

You’re going to be embarrassed so many times in your life, but if you become shy and don’t do anything new that could potentially be embarrass you, then you’re going to miss out so much. You can’t choose when you’re going to be embarrassed, it’s what you do after you’re embarrassed that people remember. Look at Jennifer Lawrence (she’s pretty much every ones girl crush) for example. She fell while going up to receive her Oscar. Did that stop her from making an amazing speech while telling everyone in the audience that she’s clumsy? NO. Could you imagine how embarrassed you would have been if that happened to you? But she pulled it off and laughed it off as well. Now if that isn’t called amazeballs; I don’t know what is.

And that’s it for today.

If you thought you could find out anything embarrassing about me through this post- then you’re WRONG!

But seriously all you need to do is track down one of my friends, they have loads of embarrassing stories to tell about me and my parents, let’s not even go there. They could write books on my embarrassing stories.

And now I’m off to bake rainbow cupcakes for my friends birthday tomorrow and try to get my family’s hands off the batter,


A I’m In A Hurry So That I Don’t Embarrass Myself Tomorrow Teenager.


31 Day Challenge for January: Day 5

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 5: The theme is “biggest fear”

So we all have these irrational fears and truth be told, all my fears are pretty irrational… I’m going to list 3 of my biggest irrational fears and then one fear which isn’t all that irrational (well, maybe that’s irrational as well).

1) Ceiling Fans on the Highest Speed.

Now I know you’re probably wondering “Woah! This girl’s paranoid” and trust me I am. Somehow I think when the fan is on its maximum speed it has a higher chance of… falling down and right on me. Irrational, I know. I never let the fan run on the maximum speed when I’m in the room because I start getting really nervous and zone out of conversations because I’m just staring at the fan waiting for it to fall. No, this fear has not been instilled in me after watching Final Destination. Yes my head is too precious to have a ceiling fan fall on it.

Imagine this on falling on your head.... not a pretty sight.
Imagine this on falling on your head…. not a pretty sight.

2) Lizards

Something about these creatures creep me out. Well, I think this fear boosted into my biggest fear list when I was pretty small like 8 or 9. I’d gone to the washroom at around four in the morning and well what do you expect to see? A huge( and I mean absolutely gigantic) lizard in the washroom. So I did what I had to do, yelled at the top of my voice and woke up my entire family while scaring the lizard away. I was pretty badass if I say so myself. But seriously, lizards are like a freak of nature. And they’ve always freaked me out since then. Irrational fear I know, but seriously that lizard was huge! And I’m not even talking about the “exotic” type of lizards (is there even something like that?). I’m talking about the normal house lizards or geckos as they’re called.

I asked my little brother to search for a picture because it grosses me out.
I asked my little brother to search for a picture because it grosses me out.


3) Lifts

Imagine you go into tiny place which is supposed to take you twenty floors higher. There’s nothing around you except blank walls and suddenly, the lights go off. Then the walls start closing in on you and start to suffocate you. The cables that pull the space upwards snap and collapse and you’re falling while suffocating……

No, this is not a horror story. It’s just my worst nightmare.

I feel like I’m going to have a panic attack for the first few milliseconds before entering a lift. It’s the scariest thing ever. Irrational but hey, it could happen. Just saying.

This tiny space is responsible for you.
This tiny space is responsible for you.

And now for the fear that isn’t all that irrational. I tend not to show a lot of emotions because it makes you vulnerable. And I’m scared of feeling vulnerable and having people taking advantage of that. It leaves you wide open to get hurt and feeling hurt and feeling like you’re about to cry at a drop of a hat because you’re in pain is one thing that I don’t want to go through. Ever. What makes it worse is when that somebody who hurts you over and over again used to be someone you used to trust. That’s another reason I don’t have a best friend. I have several close friends but choosing one best friend out of them would be impossible.


So that’s about it.

I have so much homework to do now,

See ya,

A Freaked Out After Writing This Post Teenager.