blog entertainment funny high school humour life music sarcasm songs teen teenager Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on: Blogging

Hey there!

I know I’ve been pretty irregular with my posting and I’m terribly sorry about that. So a huge thank-you to the people who read my blog and put up with my ramblings because you’ve honestly done much more than most people ever have 🙂 And thanks for following me, commenting and just sharing what you feel. There’s a lot more to come and I’ve got a ton of ideas 🙂

This blog has changed so much since my first post and it’s come a long way. I don’t even know why I began to blog in the first place but I know for a fact that I would’ve given up if I hadn’t got the feedback I did. 

I’ve been a little busy in the past few months and I really haven’t had time to blog like I used to before but that’s going to change soon. I didn’t actually think this blog would go anywhere and the fact that I’ve been able to do this for 2 years is a pretty big deal. 

I started blogging just a month before I turned 16 and I didn’t even realise how much things could change in that short amount of time. I literally realised this when I began to go through my earlier posts. And even though the posts I did were hilarious in their own way, I like the direction my blog has taken. 

Being on WordPress for 2 years makes me feel like my blog is really old because I see new ones popping up every single day! And I comment or like those blogs and their first posts because I like being a part of their journey in the blogging world. And I want to be there for them just as several blogs were there for me when I began.  🙂 It’s an exciting thing, starting out anonymously and making sure no one you know knows about your blog. And it gets better because you have people from all across the world who appreciate what you write and are similar to you!

It still is an absolutely surreal feeling when I read some of the comments on my posts and my writing because it makes me feel like I’m getting to someone, even if it’s just one person, it’s still someone. Someone who shares their experience with me and understands what I’m going through. Because very often we don’t like talking about certain things with our friends, no matter how close we might be to them, and through a blog you can express yourself without any restrictions. 

I don’t know what inspired me to write this post because this is probably long due but I figured I needed to put this out there. If you’ve ever got to get something off your chest and you don’t want to be judged for it, blog about it. Because someone out there probably feels the same way and is too shy or scared to talk about it. 

Even after blogging for 2 years there’s still things that I haven’t talked about. And some of those posts are just lying in my draft box. I’ll probably post them when I feel like I’m in a better place to talk about them. I’ve never been very good with speaking about feelings and emotions and all that. It’s just that I’ve  always been a better listener.  So for me to actually open up and write a little about that on here, is actually a pretty big deal.

There’s always going to be new things that people who read my blog will learn about me, because I’m learning new things about myself along the way. I’ve changed from that “15 year old girl who started this blog on a Sunday afternoon because she was extremely bored with life” and while I’m still bored and I still procrastinate and I still love food, I’ve become a different person and blogging  through it all has helped me realise that. 

I’ve made friends on here, some who’ve left and some who’ve stayed on, and I’ve realised that there’s people out there who do get you. They DO listen to the same kind of music you do and understand you’re not weird for listening to those artists. They DO write beautiful stories and love writing as much as you do and understand that you’re not a geek because you love to write. They DO like debates and have their opinions just like you and understand that you’re not too argumentative just because you have a point of view you’d like to share. They DO like to read and discuss them and understand that you’re not a nerd for wanting to do that. They DO realise what it’s like to go through writer’s block and understand that you’re not acting snobby because you don’t want to write for them. 

So if you’ve just joint WordPress, continue writing and sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world. And if you’ve been on here for a while, then know that you’ve made an impact on my life in some way or other. 🙂

Thanks for being on this journey with me. It’s been an incredible one and here’s to many more years of ramblings and weird opinions of a semi-adult (because seriously, I’m becoming an adult soon and I’m not ready to act that way so quickly). 

Song of the Day: 




Till tomorrow,

A Slightly Sentimental After Writing This Post Teenager.

blog entertainment high school humour life music poems songs teen teenager Uncategorized Young-Adult

A Teenager’s Writing: Of Symbolism and Pleasant Stories

Hey there,

Recently I’ve been going through a major case of writer’s block. It reached a stage where even application essays were becoming a nightmare. And then late last night/early this morning, I suddenly started writing this poem and I thought maybe I’d post it up here to see what you guys thought of it. 

So let me know if you liked it and what you thought I could do better because I always look forward to getting feedback so that I can improve my writing 🙂

Of Symbolism and Pleasant Stories. ©2016

He watched as the world was engulfed in flames,

He stared as he watched men turned on what they stood for, 

He smiled as he saw people turn their backs on mankind.


He was looked up to by many,

Many confused souls who thought he symbolised change,

He symbolised the change that tore them all apart.


They claimed that he was soft-spoken and well versed,

They claimed that right till the moment he picked a gun up,

And as he shot them between their eyes, he whispered.


It took just one person to wreak havoc,

To overturn the delicate balance the world used to hang in,

And it took just one person to make friends turn to foes.


He took a toll on the world,

And at the very end, when all the damage was done,

It was then that his presence was questioned.


It made no difference to him,

For he manipulated, lied and twisted the minds of others,

And brought back chaos once again.


There was a group of people,

That didn’t quite believe the things he said and did,

But they were overpowered by those who did.


Those who didn’t believe him often wondered,

Maybe chaos was all that was meant to happen,

To a world where superficiality and politics was all that mattered.


It’s not a pleasant story, it never is,

It’s just more realistic than those that exist in fairytales,

It’s the one that tells the truth, not something out of a snake’s mind.


And it’s only when people start to believe once more,

In things that are pure, true and better for the world,

If not themselves, that the change needed will happen.


Until then, the world continued to be plagued with war,

The bourgeoisie with strong minds against those in power,

And he just smiled as he watched this happen because of him.


And that’s pretty much the end of it XD

Again, I’d really appreciate any feedback that you give so feel free to tell me what you thought of it 🙂

IN other news and what to expect in the coming weeks from my blog: I was also nominated for the Miranda Sings Award a really long time ago and I’ll be doing that next 🙂 And there’s also a another collab with P, a friend of mine, who I’ve done a couple of collabs with already. There’s also another post on a Teenager’s Take on Not Being A Teenager Anymore because I’m turning 18 this year *sighs because I’ll have to start acting a little more mature*… I’m also planning on doing a “react to new music series”where I’ll basically review new albums and music videos (and all that) primarily because I really like listening to music and discovering new artists. So if you know of a band/musician or a song that I need to listen to, let me know 🙂 Also, let me know if doing this is a good idea or not because I’m sort of sitting on the fence about this. 

I know this is sort of a spoiler and all but it’ll help me remember what I’ve thought about doing 😛 Also, if you have any suggestions on what I should do next or a topic I should talk about, let me know by either commenting here or emailing me at 

Wheeeew, that was a lot of anoouncements. And you’ve reached the end… sort of. 


Song of the Day : 


Okay, this is the end. I promise.

Till next time,

A Semi-inspired Teenager.

blog books entertainment food funny high school humour life music sarcasm songs teen teenager Uncategorized

A Teenagers Take on 20 Things About Me

To start off,

Hey Guys 🙂

So I’ve been MIA for the past month and it’s been both intentional and unintentional. I’m in the middle of my final examinations and then I’m done with high school. Which is kinda weird because it seems like time’s gone by incredibly fast. So I’ve obviously had to cut down on my blogging and take a hiatus of some sort XD

Also, to be very honest, I couldn’t think of any topic to write about. It’s like I would start a post and then go “naaah, this doesn’t even make sense. I’m just rambling away with no clear thoughts put forward. And I don’t think the people on here would want to know more about differentiation/integration or tribal economies.” So I ended up not blogging at all. 

And I came across a couple of blogs the other day who’d done this post and it looked like  nice idea so here I am, attempting to finish this post and not leave it halfway through like I’ve done with all the other ones… I’m not even kidding, there’s got to be like 40 drafts just sitting there. And I want to delete them but I don’t know, maybe I’ll find some sort of inspiration and finish those as well. 

And I’m rambling again. Ugh! Let’s just get right to the post 🙂


  1. I’m left handed. I used to be ambidextrous when I was really young but then I started writing with my left hand. However, even now, I can use any of my hands for basically anything because I don’t have a “stronger” or “more powerful” hand.


     2. I come across as a person who’s outspoken and is good at public speaking but I get really nervous before I speak. Like even when I teacher calls on me to answer in class, it feels like I’m going to have a panic attack. I still don’t know why that happens. 


     3. I hate expectations. They’re a burden to me. And when I don’t reach them, it feels like I’m letting everyone down. It basically ends up adding more stress and it completely shuts my mind down. 

    4. Reverse Psychology doesn’t work on me. If I’ve gotten a bad grade or something and I get yelled at or told that the rate I’m going at I’ll probably not pass, I’ll do everything to actually fail instead of working harder. P.S. I’ve never actually failed. 😛 

   5. I can drink my weight in Pepsi. I’m not even kidding. I could survive on that for days and not be bothered. It reached a point where if I hadn’t had Pepsi in a couple of days, I’d feel incomplete. (This lasted only for a month, I promise.) 

  6. It’s hard for me to trust people. I don’t even know why. It’s not like I’ve been hurt before or something. But if you’re a person I trust, then you know the weirdest details about me XD 

7. I prefer acoustic versions of songs to the whole ensemble. There’s something about a simple guitar or keyboard that makes the music more meaningful. 

8. I’ve always wanted to start a YouTube channel. I don’t know what I’d do on there, but I want to.

9. I’ve always wanted to write a book. I was even thinking about it until the 12th grade became super hectic. It’d probably be a lot like my blog.. there’s not much to my life XD

10. I’m a ponguinda. It’s a mixture of a Potato, Penguin and a Panda. When I told my mother this, all she said was “Well, you look like all of them”. I have a very sweet mother. -.-

11. I’m extremely sarcastic. It’s reached a stage where I don’t know if I’m being sarcastic or not. Sometimes it’s subtle but I’ve realized most people don’t understand that. So it becomes as subtle as a bullet. (Does that even make sense? My friend compared it to a bullet) 

12. I prefer books to movies. There’s something about books that let’s your imagination soar. You can travel all across the world when you’re reading books and I believe that it’s something magical.

13. I’m a Gemini. No, I don’t have a twin. (This doesn’t even make sense but I had to put it in there)

14. I think salads are actually pretty tasty. When you have them with pizza… And then throw the salad away… It’s absolutely delicious. 

15. For a person who really likes music, I’ve never been to a concert in my life. That’s actually pretty sad because I didn’t go for Ed Sheeran’s concert or for Boyce Avenue’s. 

16. I’m really lazy. So I basically end up doing everything right the first time so I don’t have to do it all over again. (That’s not entirely true)

17. Sometimes I argue just for the heck of it. I completely agree with the other person but since I don’t like the person, I end up taking an opposing view. It’s just the principle of it really. 

18. Even though I’ve always loved writing, I won my first writing award in the 11th grade. Funny how things turn out. 

19. My Tumblr is the weirdest thing ever. I don’t even know why I write the things I do. Because some of them are really sad and you’d think “oh, this person is not okay” but honestly, I’m fine! It’s like I write the saddest things when I’m the happiest. 

20. I’ve never been too secretive about my life. Especially on here. And I’ve been on here for more than a year and a half now.. So that’s basically a lot of information about me on here already… and coming up with 20 facts was much harder than I thought it was going to be. Because most of my views or thoughts are on here for pretty much everyone to see. But here’s a last fact. When I started my blog out, I made sure I didn’t tell anyone I knew about it. It’s only after I reached a 1000 views and around 200 followers that I told my friends about it.  I absolutely love the blogging community because I’ve made so many friends on here and a big shoutout to the people who actually follow me or read my posts. It’s amazing how far this blog has come because I honestly thought this was going to go nowhere. 

Song of the week:


And that’s about it for this post 🙂 

I’ll try my best to post again on Monday because I do have a couple of ideas.. And I’ll probably have my friend do a collab with me 🙂 

Also, if you ever want to post on my blog, the details are on my blog or you could just email me at

If you ever just want to talk or whatever, just use that email as well 🙂 

Another really random thing is if you ever want to co-author a book or something, let me know 🙂

Till next time,

A Needs To Study Teenager. 





blog entertainment funny high school life music songs teen teenager Uncategorized Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take On The Music Tag

Guess who’s taken a hiatus from her hiatus? (Does that even make sense?)

Anway, I came across this really cool tag called the “Music Tag” which is pretty much the point of this post.. 😀

And so I decided to answer all those questions (I think there’s like 10)

Without further adieu, let me get to it xD

1. What are your 5 favourite songs right now?

I’m so glad the question said “right now” because my favourites keep changing (like almost every day).. Right now though my favourite songs would be:

a) Funny – Tori Kelly

b) Unstoppable – Alex Goot

c) Here – Alessia Cara

d) Water Under The Bridge – Adele

e) New Americana – Halsey


2. What is the most played song on your iTunes

Amnesia by 5 Seconds of Summer 🙂 I’ve heard it 3498 times (yes, that’s the actual number).. Also, the next four songs are all by 5 Seconds of Summer xD


3. What song are you listening to currently?

Army by Ellie Goulding 🙂


4. What was the last album that you bought?

Sounds Good Feels Good (It’s a 5 Seconds of Summer album).. I’ve also ordered Tori Kelly’s Unbreakable Smile 


5. What was the last gig you went for?

Well, I have never been to a gig. So… that answers the question.


6. What song can you not get out of your head?

I had these major exams going on and during all my papers I’d have these two songs stuck in my head. They were Wonderland by Taylor Swift and Funny by Tori Kelly.


7. What song do you listen to everyday?

This changes every other week or according to my mood.. But till now Jet Black Heart by 5 Seconds of Summer is something I’ve been listening to a lot.


8. What was the first album you ever got?

The first album I ever got was actually a Christmas Gift when I was like 9 years old or something.. It was a Taylor Swift album.. (Most probably Fearless)


9. What was the last single you downloaded?

Same Old Love- Selena Gomez ft. Fetty Wap (that is counted right?)


10. What is your favourite band right now?

5 Seconds of Summer 🙂 It’s been the same for the past 4 years 🙂


11. Who is your favourite artist right now?

Right now it’s probably Tori Kelly. She has such a lovely voice and her lyrics are beautiful. 


12. What is your favourite type of music?

I don’t have a “type” per say.. I enjoy almost all music but I really like the whole pop-punk, punk-rock genre. But then there’s also the simple, acoustic music that I love. So I really don’t have a favourite. 


13. In your top 25 most played, which song is number 10?

Just Saying by 5 Seconds of Summer xD


14. Quote one of your favourite lyrics.

I’m just going to put the entire song in here because the entire song is beautiful. Here are the lyrics to Funny by Tori Kelly.

It’s so easy to lose all the meaning of who you are
What is your definition of a true super star?
Is it beauty? Is it money? Is it power? Is it fame?
Are you in it for the glory? What’s the purpose? What’s the gain?

Everything you ever wanted got you tied up in chains
Be careful how you play the game

‘Cause the same ones that chose you
are the same ones that own you,
Same thing that built you
is the same thing that kills you
Same ones that praise you
are the same ones that hate you

Funny how it all goes around.

If you lose your soul,
you’ll lose it all
If you’re at the top
then brace for the fall
Surrounded by faces,
no one to call

Funny how it all goes around

If you lose your soul,
you’ll lose it all
If you’re at the top
then brace for the fall
Surrounded by faces,
no one to call

Funny how it all goes around

If you look through a microscope at this messed-up world
You would see every scratch, every flaw, every ounce of dirt
Your so called friends you’re leaning on but all they do is take
You say it’s fine but deep inside you wish you could escape

Everything you ever wanted got you tied up in chains
Be careful how you play the game

‘Cause the same ones that shun you
are the same ones that love you
same ones that shape you
are the same links that break you
same rules that blind you
are the same rules that guide you

Funny how it all goes around

If you lose your soul,
you’ll lose it all
If you’re at the top
then brace for the fall
Surrounded by faces,
no one to call

Funny how it all goes around

If you lose your soul,
you’ll lose it all
If you’re at the top
then brace for the fall
Surrounded by faces,
no one to call

Funny how it all goes around

Keep on crying out,
don’t let me hit the ground
Your soul is crying out,
don’t let me hit the ground

You’ll be crying out, Lord,
don’t let me hit the ground
Your soul is crying out,
don’t let me hit the ground

If you lose your soul,
you’ll lose it all
If you’re at the top
then brace for the fall
Surrounded by faces,
no one to call

Funny how it all goes around

If you lose your soul,
then you’ll lose it all
Surrounded by faces,
but no one to call
If you’re at the top
then brace for the fall

Funny how, funny how it all goes around, yeah, oh

Don’t let me hit the ground
You keep on crying out
Don’t let me hit the ground

Funny how it all goes around

15. Do you listen to music everyday?
Every single day. 
And there it goes 🙂
If you liked these questions, give this tag a try.. There’s always new music to find out there 🙂
Till the next time I decide to take a hiatus from my hiatus,
A Need To Study Teenager. 
blog entertainment food funny high school humour life music photo picture sarcasm songs teen teenager Uncategorized Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take On Winter

Hey guys,

So this is super random but well I had to post it today because it FINALLY feels like winter. Which is brilliant 🙂

I’ve always *loved* winter. It’s  the only time when going for walks in the morning  (or anytime to be honest) is a pleasant thing to do.. Also, there’s Christmas aka loads of gifts, lovely food and carols – what’s not to love?  

Winter is that time of the year where sipping on hot chocolate and curling up under your blankets till noon is acceptable (at least where I live).

For the past few days, I could feel it getting cooler but today it’s become chilly (which I love) and well, it seems like winter’s finally here! 

Also, it’s going to be Christmas in a couple of days which is exciting as well 🙂 This year, I made Christmas gifts for a few of my friends. It was basically a dessert platter which had a bit of mousse, a brownie, a chocolate-caramel shortbread and a herb and cheese popover to help with the chocolate overload. 






Baking is one of my favourite hobbies and since my friends like eating what I bake, it was a win-win situation 🙂 Since the past week (the moment school got over actually) I’ve been baking and experimenting.. It’s been fun although mom would beg to disagree because whenever she’s come into the kitchen it’s been a mess xD

The sad part about this winter vacation is that I’m going to have exams the moment school reopens .. and then there’s only an official week of school left for us seniors. I’m literally done with school in another three weeks which sounds crazy xD 



The thing is, winter makes me happy. I don’t even know why that’s the case.. but it is 🙂 And I don’t even know the point of this post because winter is just a tiny part of it.. but anyways, things happen.  


And that’s basically it 😛 Let me know how you celebrate Christmas, what are your thoughts about winter (if you like it or not) and what you’re going to be giving as gifts by commenting or emailing me 🙂 And this song is literally stuck in my head. I’m not kidding. I’ve been singing it since 6 in the morning (it’s currently 9:30 a.m. now).

Till next time,

An Excited Teenager 🙂 


blog entertainment food funny high school humour life music sarcasm songs teen teenager Uncategorized Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on Top 5 #3

Hey guys, 

I’m soo happy about Christmas being right around the corner.. It’s one of my favourite festivals ever! So this week I was finally able to do a post with P (if you don’t know who she is, she’s one of my closest friends and has already done a couple of posts with me before. So if you want to check those out, click here or here.)  A long time ago, the extremely talented Paradoxical Sadness sent me a bunch of Top 5’s and we’ve finally got to answering them 🙂  Here it goes:


1. Top 5 must see before you die places


P- Switzerland, Rome, Antarctica

S- Les Penguins?  I don’t even know what the word for penguins is 😛 But yeah, Antarctica would be pretty awesome xD

I’d choose Australia, Norway, Los Angeles…

P- HAHAHAHA of course it’s for penguins.. *makes the peace sign* (cause she’s weird like that)

S- And like probably Venice..

P- It stinks bro 

S- Yeah but it’s sooo pretty… Actually wait, I change my mind.. 

P- To be honest, I don’t want to go to Venice alone

S- Russia. I’ll chill with my fellow spies (it’s a long story involving 17/18 languages)

P- Australia.. OH and Ireland

S- We practically have the same places… DUDE Amsterdam

P- Yeah, but Ireland is like  proper countryside. And cancel Australia.. I’d go to Kashmir instead

S- Ladakh buddy. It’s tooo pretty

P- Yeah. That entire state man

S- Okay then.. No Australia. Got it. 

P- The next one?


2. Top 5 Fictional Crushes (aka name real, famous people who don’t know you exist and are hence considered fictional)

S- I’m saying Luke Hemmings. He’s practically fictional xD

P- Dude. Do I even have to start? Roger Federer. Surprise Surprise xD

S- Jason Grace from the Heroes of Olympus series 

P- Eden Hazard 

S- Gale Hawthorne from the Hunger Games trilogy

P- I have soo many that now it’s taking me forever to prioritize

S- Nick from Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist

P- Eden Hazard is a footballer buddy. (because I obviously don’t know the person right? -.- )

S- I know. You’ve told me.. Several times to be honest xD  Like since the 10th grade or something…

P – Hugh Laurie. James McAvoy *makes a heart shaped thing* 

S- And my last one is… This is confusing. Logan Lerman or Dylan O’Brien

P- I have one left. Oh god.

S- HAHAHAHAHA The pain is real xD

P – Okay. Got it. The young Jude Law 

S- Cool xD Next question?

3. Top 5 favourite possessions 

S- Lemme guess this for you.. 1. Laptop 2. Phone 3.Books (because that’s your life now) 4.Food  5. Clothes maybe?

P- *laughs like a maniac* Not books.. More like 1. Food 2. Food 3. Food 4. Food 5. FOOOOOOOOOD

S- Well, I was slightly correct xD

P- No laptop though.. I don’t use it at all

S- Haha okay then.. I’d probably say 1. Laptop 2. Books (the non-school ones) 3. Baking equipment 4. My song collection 5. FOOOOOOOD

P- Slightly predictable. Let’s do the next one xD


4. Top 5 Most Awkward Moments of Your Life

P – Oh boy.

S- The list is endless. It’s like my life is one big awkward moment

P- 1. You know the messaging incident? I’m not going into details for that one because it’s a little too embarrassing xD 

S- 1. Mine is probably walking straight into a glass door… My mother has no idea how we’re related.. (this hasn’t just happened once)

2. So this one time, mom and I were walking and there was this huge metal signboard or something and you could basically just duck under it and keep going.. I saw the signboard and I ducked.. but I didn’t duck quite enough because my head still hit the metal..Mom just walked 3 feet in front of me because she decided she didn’t know me. 

That was incredibly awkward..

P- Hahaha… Dude, I hid under a freakin table. So when I was a kid everyone was forcing me to dance at a family function… my way out was to run and hide under a dinner table. 

S – Holy shit xD   So you remember Sinhals right? Like one day we had just finished with that really strict persons lecture and we were outside when I told you guys that I was really hungry and the lecturer was right behind us.. He told me to go home and eat instead of hanging around. Awkward as hell.

P- That one time my college physics professor ended up taking my case in front of everyone.. I was standing and waiting for him to correct my journal and there was a line. So he looked at me and he’s like “omg let me correct this girl’s first… it looks like she hasn’t eaten anything since days”.    If he only knew how much I really eat.

S- Not that much though..

P- Shut up. I don’t eat too much at once. But throughout the day I keep eating…. a lot. So at the end of the day, well, you get it

S- Okay okay. I stand corrected. (I’m still correct. She doesn’t eat a lot xD)

Oh so I cut my hair again this year right? So the first day back in school, my political science teacher walks into class and she doesn’t see me at first. Then when she does, she goes “ayee what happened to your hair” and I said “well, I cut it”.. So her reply goes “But you had such pretty hair” And I said “I know..” Oh and then she spent 15 to 20 minutes telling me how I shouldn’t have cut my hair…. Too awkward.

P – HAHA .. that’s hilarious.. So this one time during chem practicals we had to weigh this salt okay.. and basically the instrument is like a plain cover of glass and is open from both sides so that we can put the spatula in and put the salt in the pan. So before me there was this left handed girl and she took the salt container, put it to the left and weighed it. Next it was my turn and there’s like a bunch of people behind me.. So I struggle holding the spatula with my right hand and try putting it through the left window. And I’m literally struggling and I’m clueless… I’m like “damn, this shit’s tough”.. So then a guy behind me goes “why don’t you just put the salt container on the other side and try” And I was like “OMG KILL ME. ” Everyone must have been like this girl’s so freakin dumb. I swear it didn’t strike me.. so I just gave this nervous laugh and moved it..

S- HOLY SHIT xD That would have been priceless.. 

P- It really wasn’t. I’ve never felt more stupid. 

S- Haha.. In our previous school, I was laughing one day and the principal at that time heard it and she literally came upto me and said “I don’t like your laugh. Change it” Too awkward for words..

P- I remember this xD “Change it”. You should’ve been like “I don’t like your face. Change it.”

S- Things I wish I could do… *sighs* Anway, let’s move onto the next question.. I think we’ve made ourselves look weird and stupid enough xD

5. Top 5 Ways to Ward off Boredom

P- Eat food. Music. 

S- Umm… Music. Read a book (not the school ones). BAKEEEE. 

Ohh go for a walk and drag some friend along with you so that you can rant about the world in general or have weird philosophical conversations xD… And obviously YOUTUBE was invented for a reason… Eat loads of fooood.. I think that’s more than 5 but I don’t care xD

P- Youtube for sure. And sitcoms also. And dude, the most important thing…. SLEEEP. I’m so sleep deprived these days.. I don’t have the time to be bored (yet here she is doing this post, I feel honoured). It’s like study sleep study sleep and well a lot of procrastination.. 

(This is what happens if you’re a science student. Or a humanities student. Or any student in your senior year. You’ve been warned)

S- How could I even forget sleep and procrastination? xD Basically there’s a ton of ways to not feel bored 😛

P- Buddy, I have to study now. I have prelims…

S- So do I..We have no lives. 

P- Buddy, I have a prelim TODAY.

S- Hahahaha good luck xD You’ll slay it (as usual). 

*insert some whining about how that’s not true because she’s so incredibly modest… not*

And that’s a wrap because like I said, our lives are hilariously boring. (If that’s even a thing xD) If you did like this post, let me know your thoughts by commenting or emailing me, liking this post or rating it :).. Let me know what your answers for these Top 5’s. 🙂  If you want me to do more posts with P, let me know 🙂 

Also, I’ve been slightly addicted to this cover of “Love Yourself” so if you haven’t already heard it, go ahead and do so NOW 🙂



Till next week (or sooner),

A Feeling “Christmas-sy” Teenager






blog entertainment funny Guest Post high school humour life music quotes sarcasm songs teen teenager Uncategorized Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on Top 5 #2

Hi guys,

First of all I’m down with a terrible cold which is really not good. I either end up sounding like a grizzly bear or a 3 year old whiny kid. There’s literally nothing in between.

Anyway, For this week’s post, I decided to do a blog post with *drum roll please* MY LITTLE BROTHER. (He’s not really little, he’s 11.) And the only reason I managed to get him to do this was by…. well you really don’t want to know. But since he’s decided to grace my blog with his presence, here we goo. It’s  a Top 5 post 🙂 I’m sure you’ll be able to find traces of sibling love and all that. Plus, you’ll come to know the difference between a teenager and a pre-teen. 😛

1)  Top 5 Dream Jobs 

V (my brother) : Oh oh, an engineer!  

Me: Are you being serious right now? Of all the jobs you could possibly want, you choose an engineer. My first option is probably to get paid to sleep. 

V: Seriously? That’s your dream job? You’ll definitely be a billionaire in no time in that case. (He’s mean.) My second one is an astronaut ’cause you get big bucks just for going into space.

Me: I’m not even going to write down what all you said after that. You sound waay too nerdy.( Apparently I’m just jealous). My second option is to become a food critic. Eat food, lovely, free food and then criticize it. What’s not to love? (Apparently, I’m a fatso (seriously, I’m not even kidding.. he says stuff like that.))

V: HAHHAHAHA. Okay so my third option is a pilot, fourth is some sort of scientist (an astro-physicist to be precise) and my fifth option is… I don’t really know but it’d probably be getting paid to sleep. (He’d definitely be richer than me if that was the case)

Me: Ooookay then, my third option is to do something in music I guess, my fourth is to open a bakery and my fifth option is…. okay, so I really don’t know, maybe a Kardashian? They have really meaningful lives (sense the sarcasm?) On to the next one..


2) Top 5 Movies You Like To Quote

V: 1)Harry Potter


3) Transformers

4) Avengers

5) Batman 

(do you see a connection of some sort?)

Me: Okaay then, superheroes and all that.. My turn… So the movies I quote a lot are :- 1. Divergent

                                  2. Hunger Games

                                  3.  Harry Potter

                                  4. Can I say Big Bang Theory? I quote the show like it’s                                             nobody’s business.

5. Batman (always. Get it? Get it?)

*looks at my brother cause I’m sure he doesn’t know it*

*turns out, he does!* 


3) Top 5 Languages You Want To Learn

Me: Number one is Russian. For sure. I kinda have to know it… 

V: ‘Cause you want to be a Russian spy? (then he proceeds to make “you’re stupid signs behind my head)  My number one option would be to like speak English with an American accent. (Kids these days.)

Me: Clearly, you have your priorities straight. Okay, so my second option is probably German, then French, then Spanish and then Greek. 

V: You stole my ideas. I was going to say my second option was Spanish, third was German, fourth French and then hieroglyphics. (I sometimes wonder how we’re related. No kidding.)

Me: Interesting last choice you have there… Because you’re literally the only person I know who’d ever want to learn hieroglyphics. Okay, the last one… Then you can get back to whatever you were doing. 

4) Top 5 Favourite Song Lyrics 

V : Okay, I’m going to do this really fast.. I’m playing the songs, you write down the lyrics.. Here it goes.. 1. Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold. But you will remember me, remember me for centuries – Centuries by Fall Out Boy.

2. Cause we could be immortals just not for long – Immortals, Fall Out Boy

3. My songs know what you did in the dark….. So light em up, up, up. – My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, Fall Out Boy

4. They said this day wouldn’t come, we refused to run. We’ve only just begun, you’ll find us chasing the sun – Chasing The Sun, The Wanted

5. My life is kinda boring, need something that I can confess. Till all my sleeves are stained red from all the truth that I’ve said. Come by it honestly I swear, thought you saw me wink no, I’ve been brink so.. Tell me what you want to hear, Something that’ll light those ears.. Sick of all the insincere.. I’m gonna give all my secrets away. – Secrets, One Republic

(This restores my faith in the fact that we are indeed siblings. He’s 11 and likes Fall Out Boy.. My job as an older sister is accomplished.) Apparently, it wasn’t me. -.- 

Me: Nice choices. -.-  Mine are (there’s way too many but these are a few of my favourite ones) : 1. Put your make up on
Get your nails done
Curl your hair
Run the extra mile
Keep it slim
So they like you. Do they like you?

Get your sexy on
Don’t be shy, girl
Take it off
This is what you want, to belong
So they like you. Do you like you?

You don’t have to try so hard
You don’t have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don’t have to change a single thing

You don’t have to try, try, try, try-i-i
You don’t have to try, try, try, try-i-i
You don’t have to try, try, try, try-i-i
You don’t have to try
Yoooou don’t have to try   -Try, Colbie Caillat

2. Take me back to the middle of nowhere
Back to the place only you and I share
Remember all the memories?
The fireflies and make-believe
Kicking back in the old school yard
Singing songs on our guitars
This is our reality
Crazy stupid, you and me

We know this is the way it’s supposed to be

So we’re taking the long way home
‘Cause I don’t wanna be wasting my time alone
I wanna get lost and drive forever with you
Talking about nothing, yeah, whatever, baby
So we’re taking the long way home tonight – Long Way Home, 5 Seconds                                                                                                                               of Summer


3. Outside we’re lonely but we are free
We’re misfits, rebels, we’re creeps and freaks
How come they’ve got it figured out
While we’re lost, waiting to be found
Maybe we need something different now
For every broken bone and every lie you’ve told
Every time you’re lost and you can’t find home
This is for the ones who always feel alone

We are outsiders
Living inside a broken world
We are outsiders
And I know sometimes it can hurt
But it gets better yeah we’ll make it through
We’ll stay golden when we’re black and blue
We are outsiders
But we’re not hiding anymore
This is who we really are                   – Ousiders, Against The Current


4. Six weeks since I’ve been away
And now you’re sayin’ everything has changed
And I’m afraid that I might be losing you
And every night that we spend alone
It kills me thinking of you on your own
And I wish I was back home next to you

Oh, everyday
You feel a little bit further away
And I don’t know what to say

Are we wasting time
Talking on a broken line?
Telling you I haven’t seen your face in ages
I feel like we’re as close as strangers
Won’t give up
Even though it hurts so much
Every night I’m losing you in a thousand faces
Now it feels we’re as close as strangers

Late night calls and another text
Is this as good as we’re gonna get?
Another timezone taking me away from you
Living dreams in fluorescent lights
While you and I are running out of time
But you know that I’ll always wait for you    – Close As Strangers ,                                                                                                                      5  Seconds of Summer


5. We were making history
Breaking rules and breaking free
Questioning the writing on the wall
Coming from the underground
Laughing as we’re falling down
Soaking in the glory of it all

But in dark times when we close our eyes
It’s a nightmare, it’s a nightmare
When the sun don’t shine we lose our minds
But I swear, we can get there

We’ve got young blood
Can’t destroy us
We make our own luck in this world
We’ve got young blood
No one chose us
We make our own love in this world

Someday we could run away
See it all before the pictures fade
And bottle up the feeling in a jar
Pass around to all our friends
We can breathe it in and out again
Huddled in the backseat of the car  – Young Blood, Bea Miller


And those are a few of my favourite lyrics.. there’s a lot more 🙂


V: You’re insane. Like who’s even going to sit and read all those lyrics?

And then he started playing “Sweater Weather” and we were singing at the top of our voices with not a care in the world….. till my mother came in and told us to get back to studying… which basically resulted in the end of this post. 🙂


If you did like this post, let me know by doing the usual things.. you know, singing at the top of your voices and annoying your siblings/parents. Also, let me know your thoughts and what your answers would be by commenting or emailing me.. 🙂   And if you haven’t already heard this song, please do so immediately. It’s an amazing song 🙂 


Till next time,

A Sounding Whiny Teenager. 




entertainment funny Guest Post humour life photo picture review teen teenager Young-Adult

Guest Post: Teen Overruled’s Take on Influential Teenagers- Nash Grier



Hey Guys,

If you happen to like this post and want to read more , just follow Ayeleayele for posts on the rest of this series  🙂 This series is about  teens  who are making social media their thing and making a name for themselves.  Teen Overruled Introducing : Nash Grier .  Here are his B.F.A.L & W.Y.L.H

Background (B )

Nash Grier is an actor/comedian and Vine( Social media app that loops 7 second videos )  star, born on December 28, 1997 in Greenswood, NC . He first joined youtube in 2013.

Family (F)

familynash1 familynash2

Nash’s parents are  Chad, Elizabeth Floyd  Grier . Siblings are Will, Hayes( Social media Star also), and Skylynn , the sassy, adorable little sister who became a ‘ Viral Sensation ‘  due to appearances in his brothers Videos.

Accomplishments ( A)

In the three years Nash’s been on social media , he has developed a enormous fanbase that seem to be growing bigger by day.

  1.      He has 11.5 million followers on vine, 7 million on Instagram , 4 million on Twitter and 4.4 on youtube
  2.      Has a succesful Merchandise line and also A spring line United XXVI with brother Hayes Grier, Cameron Dallas and Carter Reynold which can be found in every Aeropostale store around the world . Appeared in many magazines and Interviews such as Tiger Beat, M magazine , The View , Fox 5’s Good Day New York . 






  1. Signed by Awesomeness TV to start and Direct the movie “The Outfield ’’( starting three Vasity Baseball players as they enter their last year of high school and navigate the up and downs on and off the fields ),  with fellow Youtuber Cameron Dallas and Actor/ Comedian Joey Bragg.





  1.  In 2015,  Was recognized as one of the 25  most Influential people on the Internet by Time Magazine .

Why You’ll Love Him (W.Y.L.H)

As most famous Individuals in the world, Nash Grier rose to fame with some drama of his own.  The self-Proclaim ‘King of Vine’ was thrown shade at for using a homophobic slur on one of his since-deleted Vines. But Of course being the gentlemen he was , Apologized for his nasty behavior in the following statement :

July 9, 2014

“In April of 2013, I made a vine video using a gay slur.  I made a stupid and ignorant mistake which there is no excuse for.  I talked strongly about something hurtful and serious that I knew nothing about.

Soon after I posted the video I started to realize how hurtful and wrong the video was and I deleted it.  This clip was bullying.  It’s awful.  To anyone I offended I want you to know that I am truly sorry.

My goal is to educate myself and do something positive with what I learn.  Again, to anyone I offended, I am so, so sorry.”

He has proved his true wonderful character ever since , after all he was a teenager and just as any other , he makes mistakes. Now on to his true personality which I’ve falling in love with.

  1. He’s cute , beautiful , gorgeous ..wait did I mention cute . And his eyes are unreal !

nash1 nash2 nash3


2. He Knows how to treat a woman .That’s the one thing all his fans will agree to because of his relationship with sister Skylynn . The care , love and protectiveness he shows her in their videos together is amazing


nash4 nash5



  1. He treat his fans  by setting up meet and greets , listening and taking their video suggestions seriously . And he appreciate his fans and give us advise on how to follow our dreams .

nashfan1 nashfan2


4. His videos are the bomb ,they’re everything you’ll want to watch and more

This guy is not afraid to put on a blonde wig or any kind  and act like a girl for his fans . And he does funny skits , prank videos , answer q&a and more




If you think you’ll want to check him out :

Twitter  & Instagram

Vine & Website


Shubby’s Note: Hey guys, if you did like this post, please like,comment, rate or visit the author’s blog 🙂 She really wants the feedback if she should do more of these and you’ll be a great help!

That’s all for today 🙂

I might do one post later this week though for the “Dragon Loyalty Award” 

An In-Between Exams Teenager.


blog humour life music quotes songs teen teenager Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on Being Yourself


Okay, so the title turned out to sound so inspirational/ motivational which is definitely not what I write about. If I ever do write something like that I feel so pretentious because if you actually meet me, you’ll realize that I’m the last person who should be giving advice to anyone on practically any matter.. other than music and maybe books? 😛 

Anyway I decided to write this post because of well… I’ve been wanting to write this for quite some time and I needed to get it off my head and also because this is definitely more interesting than studying economics (I have an exam tomorrow). And for this post, I’m not going to edit anything so all the cancellations you see, is basically what I never put in any of my other posts.

Oh and this post has been in my draft section for quite some time like the past 7 or 8 months? So I’m just going to put in what I though at that point of time with what I think now. They’re going to be in different colours so yeaa.. Anyway here it is.  

It’s been a while since I’ve felt like myself. It honestly has. There’s this sort of tension building up in my head and it’s like everyday I become more closed off. And the thing is, I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I know many people out there are going to judge me or because they already do. It’s like I don’t know who I am anymore. I’m constantly adjusting my attitude to suit others so that I don’t appear meek or I don’t appear to be too snobby. And it’s been a while since I’ve met my closest friends to just talk and be myself so I don’t even have an outlet anymore. 

And what really takes the cake is that people all around me think I have my life together. They think I know where I’m going. They think I’m the only one of those people who has it all figured out. But I don’t. And it gets to me.    Oh and there’s the teachers who think I’m going to do well. I want to do well but the pressure is on and it’s really tough. Everyone either puts pressure on you to excel or says you’re never going to mount to much and that puts pressure on you to prove them wrong. Especially this year cause  is going to be my  it’s my senior year and there’s a ton of people my entire life (or so people say) depending on that.  I don’t feel like talking to anyone of them anymore. It’s just too damn hard to do that. I feel like I’m just putting up this facade of being happy all the time when I’m not. 

And it’s hard to keep it up. Whenever I’m alone, I feel like I’m going t  want to cry and let it out. It’s not that I can complain about my family, they’re brilliant and are entertaining in their own way but I can’t go to them and say “I just want to cry for no reason. Am I going mad?” They’ll put it down to teenage angst and some bullshit going on in school. Because I honestly don’t know why I feel this way. I know I’m not depressed or suffering from something but the sadness gets to me. And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way but I just feel so alone. Like I’ve distanced myself from everyone. I laugh along when I feel like I need to but it’s only when I feel it’s too much I quietly move away from there.  And the funny part is no one even seems to notice that. They seem to buy all the bullshit excuses that come out from my mouth and don’t even care. I know I sound selfish because I never used to care about things like this before and I used to take everything at face value.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that being yourself in a herd of people judging you and waiting to see you fall is tough, so you give in. You try to be someone they’ll like, someone who’ll fit in. Someone with no personality. Someone who’s a lost soul.  Someone who needs people puts up a facade and acts like everything’s okay when it’s really not. Being yourself is one that’s such a Utopian thought. But I’m trying to now. I really am. I don’t care what people say or talk about me anymore because it’s my life. Not theirs. And I’ve realised that being true to yourself and no one else is what matters more than anything. Because in this big world of problems and choices with people leading us on, the only constant is you. And it’s you who’s going to end up not recognizing yourself in the mirror. So decide whether it’s important to have people like you but judge you behind your back or just straight out dislike you but know who you are. Because that’s what lead you to make your decision in the future. 

And that’s about it.. I know I sound really happy when I talk to you guys on here and things like that but for some time in the middle, I wasn’t feeling like doing it.  myself. But I am now. 🙂 And I’m trying to stay that way. Focused on what I want. And who I want to be.

Yep.. that’s about it. There’s a lot of stuff that I don’t say and just keep in my draft section because I don’t know what response I’ll get- will I have more people judging me or actually have people relating to this, so I don’t post those. But I decided to this one because I’ve grown since then and I wanted to tell others that they’re really not alone if they’re going through the same thing. Because I know how hard it is to find yourself when you feel lost. And if you want to talk to me at all you can email me and I’ll get back to you ASAP. You could also share your story if you would like to by doing a guest post or commenting on here. I’m always welcome to that. 

For this post, I’ve added one of my favourite songs called Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.


P.S. (Important stuff here) And for those of you who’ve actually put up with me till the end of this post, I’d really want to know if I put together a book with like my poems, short stories and Teenagers Take (basically a book form of my blog) would you read it? I really want to know 🙂 So comment or email me if you would. 

Till the next time I post (it’s going to be a guest post),

A Still Studying Economics Teenager. 

blog entertainment funny humour life music photo picture sarcasm songs teen teenager Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on Turning 17

I’m pretty pathetic at introductions to each post..

And the ending…

Sometimes my actual post turns out okay though.. *Sometimes being the operative word*


Anyway, it’s Monday and it’s pretty gloomy weather out here. It’s dull but it doesn’t rain and it’s super humid.. which is just annoying. Anyway, I decided to write a post on turning 17 because apparently it’s a rite of passage or something..

But it’s funny really at how I’m writing this post right now..

Purely because my birthday was a month ago.. more than  a month ago to be honest.

For all those of you who don’t know when my birthday is (that’s basically everyone here) it’s somewhere towards the end of June… Try guessing..

Also, to throw it out there, I’m a Gemini. Maybe your guesses are actually spot on. Lemme know though when you think my birthday was.. if you’re actually going to think about it. 

But the real reason I’m writing this post is because I was randomly going through my “Little About Me” page and I realised that my age is still 16 on there. I updated that right after luckily but that’s when it struck me that I’ve actually turned 17.

I know it’s a month later but this is when it finally struck me. And at the same time it struck me that I have just 5 more months of high school left and that I’m soon going to have to make some really touch decisions. It made me realise that in another year, I’m no longer going to be viewed as the confused and misunderstood teenager that I know I am, but an actual adult. Which makes all this so scary.

I always used to compare 17 to a place that was in the middle of nowhere but on the road to everywhere. I still do, but I’ve realised that 17 is so much more than that. Turning 17 signifies that you still have a year left to fulfill all the childish dreams that you have without all those judgmental stares. It’s a pretty darn important year cause after this no one’s going to buy the whole teenage angst story anymore. They’re going to view you as a responsible adult and think that you have your act together. 

What’s even more frightening than that? I don’t think I’m  going to have my act together in a year. There are so many times when someone asks me how old I am and my first answer’s going to be “16” but I quickly change it to “17”. It’s probably because when I say “16”, I know I have two more years and that seems like a lifetime but when I say “17”, 18 seems so near. 

17 might just be a number to many but once it dawned upon me that in a year there’s going to be so much more expected of me, I freaked. And the result of that is this post. 🙂

If you’ve turned 17 or are turning 17, you can always share your thoughts with me and each other by commenting 🙂 If you did like this post, like, rate, reblog, do whatever else 😛 or email-me 🙂

Also if you haven’t heard the latest 5 Seconds of Summer song “She’s Kinda Hot”, PLEASE listen to it. P.S. It’s nothing like She Looks So Perfect. And I’m a little addicted to this song right now so give it a try 🙂

And that’s all for today. 

Also, a tiny notice – I might not be able to post for a few weeks because I’ve got my exams and I really need to study for them 😛 So I’m sorry if I don’t update even though I’ll try to!

Till the next time,

A Tired of this Weather Teenager