blog entertainment funny high school humour life music sarcasm songs teen teenager Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on Braces

Let me just say this: The pain is real. Very real.

And it’s even more painful when you get them at the ripe age of 17.. Almost the end of your teenage years. Like that wasn’t painful and sad enough. -.-

So I recently got braces- just a couple of weeks ago actually. It’s really late in the day but my mother suddenly realised that my teeth are the most uneven things ever. They’re probably more uneven than uneven numbers. (Don’t know why I just said that but let’s run with it). Anyway, my mother decided I needed braces (this is after 4 years of me telling her I NEED BRACES MOM *very subtle right?*) and so I had to get them a couple of weeks back.

I had to get four teeth extracted which was painful in itself. But hey, I survived on ice-cream so that made up for it. Kinda. Sorta. Maybe.. Not really. So that’s been going on for almost a month now. And I know normally extractions take place within a week or so but well, I love food and if I had to decide between getting my teeth extracted or eating some of the most scrumptious dishes ever, it’s pretty easy to guess which one I’d choose. And no, it’s not the teeth. 

Since I’ve had my braces on now for a couple of weeks, I consider myself an expert on all things “brace-y”. Here’s a few things I’ve noticed –

1. Your staple diet becomes pasta for almost a week. I never thought I’d get sick of eating pasta but well, there’s always things I’m discovering about myself.

2. When you’re getting your braces, it doesn’t hurt at all. Give it a few hours and then hello, space age torture. *I think Blank Space by Taylor Swift is an appropriate song for this*

3. You want to keep smiling all the time. Not because, you want to creep out random strangers on the road but because it hurts less if you smile. *Take that out of the context of braces and it still remains true but becomes all sentimental*  

4. Your brackets will annoy you. To infinity and beyond. I’ve had them on for a couple of weeks and I’ve already managed to break a couple of them and now they’re just hanging around somewhere in the middle of nowhere. *well, not exactly nowhere cause you know, it’s still in my mouth.. you get my point*

5. Your jaw will hurt. Badly. And you’ll wonder why you ever wanted these horrendous pieces of torture repeatedly. *I’m still wondering why I did this*

6. The amount of things you can’t even eat anymore is not even funny.

7. You’ll ignore what the dentist tells you to not eat and still eat it anyway. *Your life, Your rules and all that. Plus you make your own destiny. Even though that destiny results in you going back to the dentist earlier than expected.*

8. Your family aka your father and younger brother will make fun of you. And they’ll think it’s funny and that they’re funny but they really aren’t. *actually some of the jokes were pretty inventive so kudos for that* Your mother will also join them at times. But it gets better. I think.

9. EVERYONE will make you say words with the sound “s” in it just to see if you say “sh” instead. I had to say “She sells sea shells on the sea shore” more times that I can remember. *Geez people, I’ve got braces, not a major lisp. Calm down already.* And they will continue to do that even after you can show them that you haven’t got a lisp. 

10. You’re hungry all the time because half the food gets stuck in your braces. *I spend so much time in the bathroom these days trying to get all the food out that my parents wonder if I’ve fallen asleep inside*    

11. Your mouth will get sores and cuts from the metal. It’s painful. Everything about braces is. At least right now.

12. You start to speak a little funny because it’s hard to get used to it in the beginning. Like your voice becomes a little muffled. *And of course all the teachers tell you to answer/read the day after you’ve got them and are still getting used to the metal in your mouth. Which leads to your entire class staring at your mouth as though it’s some crazy new invention.*  

13. You will get varied responses from your peers. Most of the girls will be pretty indifferent towards it but the guys will want to know what exactly you were thinking about before you brought this sort of torture upon yourself. *No lie. One of my friends really did ask me that. And then asked me why I didn’t just throw a temper tantrum and leave the dentist’s place without looking back. My response was “But I have uneven teeth”. Could anyone be more obvious? Me thinks not. *

14. People say it gets better. I’m still waiting for that to happen. And some people say they miss it, I really can’t wait to get these off. And I’ve had them for only a couple of weeks. So I’m still waiting for that as well.

P.S. If you are going to get braces in the near future, I hope this post didn’t scare you off. Because if you have uneven teeth, you need to get them straightened out. Not to look pretty because that’s overrated but because it can be a real dental issue when you grow up. Also my teeth are really uneven and that’s why I have to be more careful than other people so it might not be as bad as mine 🙂

And that’s it 😛 If you’ve ever had braces or have had friends who have had braces or still have braces, let me know what they think 🙂 I’d love to know about your experiences. 🙂 If you liked this post, like, comment on what you thought about it, rate, follow my blog, reblog and basically do what you want 😛 If you didn’t like it, then well, I’m sorry? Okay I really don’t know what to say.. 

Also if you ever want to talk to me, you can always shoot me an email which is on my “About Me” page 🙂

And here’s a song I’ve just recently heard and really liked. I hope you like it too 🙂

Till next Monday,

A Still Thinking That Braces Are Annoying Teenager. 


blog entertainment funny humour life music picture quotes sarcasm teen teenager Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on The Best Friend Tag


Hey there,

So one of my closest friends (You might remember her from the other post we’ve done together and if you haven’t you can check it out here. It’s some pretty hilarious blog prompts) and I decided to do the friend tag or popularly known as the “Best Friend Tag”. Instead of making a YouTube video, it’s written 🙂 And here it goes


Me- When and how did we meet?

P- Eighth grade in school. I sat behind you and I thought you were a jerk (she didn’t use jerk but I’m trying to keep it semi-clean)

S- And then we bonded in the ninth grade… When you realized I was awesome.

P- *starts laughing because she’s mean*

S- Okay next. Who is my hero?

P- The 5 Seconds of Summer guy

S-  HAHAHAHAHAHA. Not really no. I don’t have a “hero”

P- *looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind*

S- Your’s is Roger Federer. 

P- Yes, of course! And what a fail maan.. 

S- Luke Hemmings is more like a major crush 😛

P-  It’s Federer’s birthday today! (because well, obviously I care)

S- Wish him from my side 

P- Sure buddy because I’m meeting him for dinner. (she’s sarcastic. Really sarcastic. It’s like one of the reasons we bond so well)

S- Okaay next question – If I could go to any place on earth where would it be and why?

P- Switzerland and you know why 😛

S- *laughs because I understand why*

P- Wait. Antarctica ❤

S- OMG PENGUINS FOREVER  (it’s an inside joke)


S- *laughs again because I’m slightly weird* But otherwise I’d probably want to go to like London or something.. and you’d go to some beachy place

P- Yepp.. What’s the next one?

S- My favourite colour?

P- Easy. Purple

S- Yepp, that’s correct. Is yours blue? Or green? No wait. You like blue right?

 P- I don’t know actually

S- See you like black but black isn’t actually considered a colour and there’s some artistic reason behind it which I forget..Soooo…?

P- Black/blue/red/grey

S- I’m basically right. Okay next question – My favourite food?

P- Ummm. Wait… Brownies! Noo wait..

S- That’s not my favourite food buddy.

P- Pasta? I don’t know man

S- Right now, my favourite food’s the chicken butty from Theobrama (this place which has the most amazing food EVER) But the constant’s dessert.

P- Ohhkay.. I don’t know what that is but okaay. Next?

S- Name of my biggest crush?

P- Luke Hemmings. 

S- YAAAAAAAY *she got his name correct* Your’s is that dude. You know the one you told me about?

P- Yeppp. He’s probably it.

S- Okay my biggest fear?

P- Fans when they’re on the maximum speed?

S- Well, that’s one of them.. so you get that point.. You’re pretty scared of eunuchs.. 


Then we started talking about something completely random and forgot about this question. 

*A little while later*

S- Okay next, If I was on a deserted island which 3 things would I have with me?

P- Phone, books and earphones.

S- Earphones? Like whaaat?

P- For music bro

S- I’m on a DESERTED ISLAND. Why would I need earphones for listening to music?

P- I don’t know who said there’s no noise in deserts? (“deserted” island. get it? 😛 )


P- The sand storm and shit could be noisy af.

S- *starts laughing again* When I actually think about it, I laugh a lot… 

P- Okay. You’d have me as the “third thing”.

S- Okay the three things you’d have are a) food b) your science books because even there you’d have no life and c) phone and charger with like those space age plug points so that you could actually charge your phone. 

P- Nice one buddy

S- Theenks. Next, when’s my birthday? (this is actually really funny because she keeps forgetting it)

P- June 17th. 

S- No. No. No.

P- July 17th?

S- NO.

P- What is this? Wait. June 19th.

S- Are you doing this purposely? 

P- You got me 😛

S- Idiot. When is it?

P- (says the correct answer) FINALLY.

S- Your birthday is on (says the correct answer). Okay next, which is my favourite season?

P- Monsoon

S- Haha. No, it’s winter.

P- What even. What’s mine?

S- Monsoon? ’cause of the puddles 😛 (inside joke)

P- Winter

S- Are you serious? I thought you used to love the rains.

P- I used to.. but after this year I don’t. Anyway, what’s the next one?

S- We go out. What do I get to drink?

P- Coke.

S- Yaay! You’d get the same thing cause of our sugar rushes


S- What am I really bad at?

P- Umm.. laughing? (apparently, I have a weird laugh and also because P’s mean to me 😛 )

S- This is really simple. 

P- Waait. Hindi. *starts laughing*

S- *laughs as well* I was going to go with art but that’s true as well 😛 And you’re bad at…. 

*thinking after hours*

S- Baking? 

P- I don’t even bake.

S- Exactly.

P- But there’s a possibility that once I learn how to… I’d be better than youuu (aren’t we soo sure about ourselves? But honestly speaking, she’s very sweet and down to earth. Don’t tell her I told you that)

S- Oh wow. But you aren’t really bad at anything…

P- Yeaa sure. Math? Anyway, what’s the next one?

S- Okay this is the last one. Describe me in one word. GOO. 

S- You’re superweirdbutfunnyandawesome

P- Purpleunicornwhoisbeautifulinsideout (She’s sooo sweet) 

(they did say one word)


And then we both had to study because well, I have exams and P has a couple of tests. 




And that’s the end of it.. 😀

If you did like this let me know by liking this, commenting or emailing me 🙂 Also, if you want P to feature in more posts, then let me know that by commenting that and also give me some suggestions on what you’d like us to do 😀 Let me know what you thought of this 🙂

And if you haven’t heard this song, please do.. I’m slightly addicted to it. 


Till Monday,

An About To Sleep Teenager. 







blog entertainment funny humour life music poems sarcasm songs teen teenager Uncategorized Young-Adult

A Teenagers Writing: Silhouettes

Another Monday, an attempt at writing a poem 😀

This one’s called Silhouettes 🙂


Standing in front of a darkened pavement,

She was ready to take on the world.

Little did she know the world had changed,

And it wasn’t like before anymore.

Darkened Silhouettes looked at her in awe,

For her radiance and the pride shown by her was entirely raw.

She was untouched and had been sheltered her whole life,

The innocence in her cried out and caught the attention of the Silhouettes.

They first became jealous and then purely deranged,

And showed her what it was like to live,

In a world full of greed and destruction.

Slowly her views began to change,

And the things that first caught the eyes of the Silhouettes began to wane.

They had done their job and were proud of it,

They had slowly made her one of Them.

Slowly but carefully, They made sure she was just a shell of what she was before.

The world as she knew it had changed and to survive she had to do same,

So she lost her identity by giving in to all the destruction and greed.

She did as They told her till she was just as shallow as Them.

And when she stood in front of the darkened pavement once again,

She was barely recognizable to not only Them but also herself.

The Silhouettes praised each other while the rare pure creatures cried on the shoulders of one another.  


I hope you liked it and I’d love to know what you thought about it 🙂 So comment or email me to let me know because like I said last week, I’m going to need all the feedback I can get 😀

Also, if you haven’t heard this song yet, please do 🙂


I know I have a HUGE backlog but I won’t be able to post much because of school. *sighs* I will try my best though.. 

And that’s about it for today. Again, if you did like this post, like, rate, comment or email me 😀

Probably till next week,

A Tired of School Teenager


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A Teenagers Take on the 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 3


Wow, I’m on the last day of this challenge *wonders where all the time went*


Anyway, let’s get right to the post : It’s the 3 Days, 3 Quotes challenge and the rules are as follows-

1. Thank the person who nominated you- MAJOR thanks to Every Word You Say and Paradoxical Sadness because they’re awesome 🙂

2. Post a quote:

Today’s quote is: “If you really want things to change, you can make them change no matter who you are”. – Saving June (one of my favourite books)

You just need to believe in what you’re saying 🙂

3. Nominate 3 bloggers (three new ones each day)

1. My Daily Inkling

2. My Overflowing Thoughts

3. Sam O Bscure


This has literally been on repeat for an hour or so… 🙂 You should definitely hear it.. 


AAND that’s about it for todaay 🙂

I’ve successfully completed another challenge 😛 and I’ve got a lot more to do.. 

Till mondaay,

A Professional at Procrastinating Teenager.  

blog entertainment funny humour life music quotes songs teenager

A Teenagers Take on the 3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 1

Hey guys,

I figured I’d get started on one of the challenges that’s definitely going to take me more than a day to complete 🙂

So I’d like to thank two of my favourite bloggers for nominating me – Every Word You Say and Paradoxical Sadness. If you haven’t already been to their blogs (which is slightly impossible), do so! They’re both amazing 🙂



So the rules for this challenge are- 

1. Thank the person who nominated you – THANKS SO MUCH 😀

2. Post a quote for 3 days

Today’s quote is (you’ve probably seen this before on here) :- “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour” – Dash and Lily’s Book Of Dares

People who can laugh, be sarcastic and have a good sense of humour are my favourite people. 🙂

3. Nominate 3 other blogs. Okay, so I think everyone I know has done this at some point but here it goes-

1. A Clouds Life (one of my newest blogger friends) 🙂

2. Life of a 17 Year Old Indian (she gets me 😛 )

3. Quizzically Challenged ( we bonded over “loud” teachers 😛 )


And you HAVE to hear this mashup by Anthem Lights.. It sounds so good 🙂 I’ve recently become slightly addicted to their covers and this is a pretty old one(It’s like 3 years old) but I cannot get over it.


That’s it for today,

I will be posting again tomorrow 🙂

A Really Sleepy Teenager. 


blog entertainment food funny humour life music photo picture sarcasm songs teenager

A Teenagers Take on The First Post Challenge

Hey Guys,

It’s another Monday and it’s pouring here. Which is unfortunate because all I want to do is curl up and never leave my bed. But you can’t always get what you wish for. 

Anyway, I’m not going to ramble on any further. So I was nominated for the first post challenge by the one of my favourite bloggers – Paradoxical Sadness. If you haven’t already checked her blog out, please do! 

So the basic idea is I talk about my first blog post (I don’t even remember what I posted). It was more than a year ago and my blog has come such a long way since then! So the rules for this challenge are:-

  1. Copy-paste, link, pingback or whatever way you want to, your first post.
  2. State what type of post that was. For e.g.: Introduction, Story, Poem.
  3. Explain why that was your first post.
  4. Nominate 5 other bloggers.

1. Okay, so my first post was apparently this-  Life is Uncertain.. Eat Dessert First


2. It was a picture… of dessert. Clearly my love for desserts has not faded away or even reduced in the slightest.

3. Why was this my first post?

HAHA. I’m as clueless as the next person because this was such a random post. But I do remember how much I loved those desserts. And the caption too.. *cue hunger pangs*

Nominate 5 other blogs- 

1. Every Word You Say

2. Tessellating Sunshine

3. Sam O Bscure

4. Just Elm

5. Life of a 17 Year Old Indian


Here’s the song.. well mashup that I’m currently addicted to 🙂 It’s really catchy and I hope you like it.

And that’s it for this post. I know I haven’t put up a ton of the awards I was nominated for *sighs and then procrastinates a bit more* but I promise to do it by this week. I was also nominated for the 3 Day 3 Quote Challenge so I’m going to do that, but I’ll probably do that only next week.

I will be posting more than once this week because I have a major backlog.. But I have no idea when I’m going to do that 😛

If your first posts were embarrassing ones or just really random ones, lemme know by commenting or emailing me 🙂 It’s always fun to know that I’m not the only one who’s slightly loony. 😛

Till later this week,

A Wanting To Eat Dessert Teenager.





blog entertainment funny humour life music quotes sarcasm songs teenager Uncategorized

A Teenagers Take on the Very Inspiring Blogger Award

It’s not a Monday but I just had to do this post. It won’t be too long.. or atleast I hope it won’t.

You guys I’m beyond happy to tell you guys I got nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by…. wait for it…. ELM. *EDIT OMG Every Word You Say also nominated me.. I absolutely cannot thank you guys enough. If you haven’t already been to their blogs.. do so immediately. They’re pretty awesome 🙂 


So I’m just going to get right to it

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog. Thanks again Elm 🙂

2. Add the logo to your post. Done *puts a checkmark* 

3. Nominate 10 bloggers that inspire you. 

Okay so I’m sure most of you have been nominated for before but I had to-

1. Dream Wanderer

2. Every Word You Say   (this was before I saw that she nominated me)

3. Paradoxical Sadness

4. My Personal Teen Life

5. Cloud Busting

6. Unfashionable Cupcake

7. Sam O Bscure

8. Your Miniinfinity

9. A Teenage Diary Online

10. One Bridge of Hope

And now for the questions that I must answer-

1. In your personal life, who do you think inspires you the most? – I think it’s the people who have a direct influence on me like my parents and friends. It’s a cliche answer but it’s true. Also, books and certain songs inspire me as well 🙂

2. Who is your role model?- I don’t have one particular person that I look upto but several of them. I look upto Katniss and Tris from Hunger Games and Divergent. I look up to Hermione Granger for her intellect. And then there’s my parents who are my obvious role models and my friends because they’re the ones who make up a large part of my support system. 

3.  Do you make efforts to make others feel emotionally and mentally stronger? For example- boost their confidence or give them suggestions? – For sure. But I’ll only do that if there’s an iota of truth in what I’m saying. I don’t believe in giving false hope to people or giving them wrong suggestions just to make them feel better because in the long run it’ll only make them feel worse. So it’s better if the truth is told gently if it’s bad and with crazy happiness if it’s good. It’s the candor that matters more than all the superficial things you can say to someone. 

4. What sound do you hear at this moment? – My younger brother’s studying for a test so I can hear his voice and of course I can hear music. Tyler Ward’s cover of Blank Space to be more precise..

5. What’s your favorite quote? – There’s just way too many.. From books, movies and songs.. My favorite quotes are from all over but if someone asked me right now? It’d be “It’s just nice I guess. Knowing that someone else can put into words what I feel. That there are people who have been through things worse than I have and they came out the other side okay. Not only that but they made some kind of twisted, messed-up sense of the completely senseless. They made it mean something. These songs tell me I’m not alone. If you look at it that way, music… music can see you through anything.” – Saving June

However my favorite quotes keep changing. But this one I really like. It’s stayed with me for a long time… 

And that’s about it for this post 😀

If you like Blank Space by Taylor Swift, listen to this amazing cover by Tyler Ward 

I’ll be posting on Monday from now on again so follow me so that you’ll know when I post 🙂

If you did like this post please like, comment, reblog, rate it or follow me.. Also lemme know what you thought about it by either commenting or emailing me 🙂

Till Monday,

A Kinda Inspired Teenager

blog entertainment funny humour life music quotes sarcasm songs teenager Uncategorized

A Teenagers Take on the Free Style Writing Challenge

So it’s a Wednesday, not a Monday. (Thank GOD for that!)

And here’s my post. 

Today when I opened up my blog I saw that I was nominated for a Free Style Writing Challenge (yes, me!)

And I promptly did the happy dance because of course I’d do the happy dance.


A massive thanks to Dream Wanderer (if you haven’t already visited her blog, do so!) for being an absolute unicorn and nominating me for this. You have no clue how much this means to me 🙂


So I’m just going to stop blabbering now and get right to it. The rules are first, then comes some more of my blabbering.. About a certain topic and then comes my nominations 🙂

Even if I don’t nominate you, and you read my posts I am super grateful to you.  

So,here it goes:-

The rules are:

1. Open a blank Document
2. Set a stop watch or your mobile phone timer to 5 or 10 minutes, whichever challenge you prefer.
3. Your topic is at the foot of this post BUT DO NOT SCROLL DOWN TO SEE IT UNTIL YOU ARE READY WITH YOUR TIMER!!!
4. Once you start writing do not stop until the alarm sounds!
5. Do not cheat by going back and correcting spelling and grammar using spell check (it is only meant for you to reflect on your own control of sensible thought flow and for you to reflect on your ability to write with correct spelling and grammar.)
6. You may or may not pay attention to punctuation or capitals.
7. At the end of your post write down ‘No. of words = ____” to give an idea of how much you can write within the time frame.
8. Do not forget to copy paste the entire passage on your blog post with a new topic for your nominees and copy paste these rules with your nomination (at least five (5) bloggers).

Okay so the topic I was given by Dream Wanderer was: DREAM and I set my timer for 5 minutes 🙂


“When she was just a girl

She expected the world

But it flew away from her reach

So she ran away in her sleep

She dreamed of paradise” – Paradise, Coldplay


“Turn your dreams into reality and make your reality what others dream of” – One of those super cheesy yet so accurate quotes



“Dream but don’t make dreams your master” – If, Rudyard Kipling


I’m a complete procrastinator as you know.

I probably spend more time dreaming about completely random things like say unicorns for one.. Unicorns are actually pretty cool. Especially black and purple ones.

But coming to back to dreams.. Dreams are aspirations which we aim to achieve and work tirelessly towards it. Well, at least we try to.

There is a strange connection between what we dream about and what we have in reality. To be very honest I don’t think any human is satisfied with what he has and has a constant craving to want more. These things become his dream or goal or aspiration or whichever other word you want to insert here. And once they’ve achieved that there’s always more that they want. It’s like a never ending list for Santa asking him for presents.

 We also dream about situations that we’d probably want to be in… because it’s easier to imagine what you’d do than actually do it. We dream about the impossible and then chase after it. Because we just can’t stop. It’s also up to us to decide what happens in our dreams. For example, If I strongly dislike someone I’d totally make her/him turn to dust by just staring at them. Something like Medusa.

However, being a dreamer is not all that matters. It matters a great deal of course but what’s more important is to be able to implement those dreams that you have. Dreams have a crazy way of making you a slave to them and then you do nothing but just dream about inconsequential things. This results in you not accomplishing anything since dreams do not turn into reality without any work being put into it.

What I guess I’m trying to say is Dream. Explore. Discover.  But don’t forget that nothing happens until you make it happen.

Number of words- 353 


So that was my take on dreams.. And now for the 5 nominations (drumroll please)

                                                         Just Elm

                                                 Unfashionable Cupcake

                                                  Every Word You Say

                                                       Your miniinfinty

                                                        Cloud Busting 


And your topic is: Memories

Good luck 🙂

And for those who want to do it, go ahead and give it a shot. Lemme know how it goes.. 


This is the song I was listening to while writing this post.. Don’t know how it matters other than the fact that this song is pretty amazing 😀


That’s all for now 🙂

And I WILL be posting again tomorrow as well because I got nominated by Elm for another award- The Inspiring Blogger Award.. Thanks so much Elm, you’re amazing 😀 

Till most-probably tomorrow,

An Ecstatic Teenager. 

blog entertainment funny humour life songs teenager

A Teenagers Take On The Sisterhood Of The World Blogger Award

So when I opened up my blog today I could not believe the fact that I had gotten nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award. LIKE WHAT EVEN.  So of course I had to post even though it’s not a Monday. But I will be posting again on Monday as well so yeaa… 


ANWAY, back to the award. 


I’m still kinda reeling in shock that someone would actually choose me 😛

Thanks Teenage Diary for being the one to nominate me 🙂




Okay so here are the rules

1) Thank the blogger that nominated you and post a link to their site (done done done. Go check her site out. It’s pretty amazing)

2) Put the award logo on your site (How on earth do you do that? If you do know that please lemme know cause I seriously have no clue)

3) Answer the questions

4) Nominate seven blogs 

So my nominations are-

1) Cloud Busting

2) Every Word You Say

3) Just Elm

4) Paradoxial Sadness

5) Mini Infinity

6) Ashlyn Taylour

7) Just Your Typical Teenage Girl

And now for the questions-

1. In one word, how would you like your readers to describe your blog? 

Probably random, because that’s exactly what my blog is. The topics I write about are random. If I throw in a couple of the poems I’ve written, they’re random too. So to be honest, my blog is just very random. And it also happens to be a reflection of me, cause well I happen to be spontaneous. The dancing on the road with my friends just because we felt like it spontaneous. Which in teenager terms is either called random or weird. I’m okay with being called either. It’s fun seeing people connect with what I’ve written and I’ve loved every minute of it. Holy moly. They just asked for one word and you just had to start rambling didn’t you?


2. Which is your favorite among all your blog posts and why?

I like to think about my blog as a safe haven where I can pretty much post anything and not be judged because of it. My blog is like one of those dishes which have everything and nothing in them with some sides of utterly weird ramblings and musings and a glass full of an opinionated teenagers opinions with just the right amount of fizz. I just read that and it made no sense but I’m not deleting it. Anyway, if I had to choose a favorite post it’d probably be between a) “10 Posts That Describe What A Teenager Goes Through” because I had the funniest time finding those posts and getting all nostalgic. Plus it was then that I realized the direction I want this blog to go in and decided to do things a little differently than I had before and b) “Hilarious Blog Post Prompt QandAs And A Couple of Amazing Songs” because I had a really good time writing this post with one of my closest friends.

3. What, who inspires your blog posts? 

My blog posts are literally taken from things I’ve seen and done and things I want to see and do. My inspiration cannot just be credited to one person or thing because I get inspired from again anything and everything. There are times when I spend almost 4 days writing a post because I’m not feeling inspired and then there’s times where I spout out a post in 15 minutes flat. My inspirations is therefore life. And of course there must be sufficient credit given to Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Bloggers and to the people I know who are crazy enough to be my friends. 


4. What do you aspire to learn this year?

This one’s simple. Math. It’s something I hate but I’m hoping I can learn to love it before my finals. Oh and learning how to bake a rainbow cake. Somehow I never get to the 7 layers, I get slightly bored and then leave it. Then there’s also the fact that I aspire to stop procrastinating as much as I do… When you come to think of it there’s a lot on the list.. But Math’s the most important.


5. What is your favorite book? Why?

I kinda hate questions like this because my favorite book is one that is never the same. I was reading “A Work in Progress” by Conner Franta and that was one book I really liked. But right now I’m going through the “Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares” phase again. Recently I also had the Sarah Dessen phase where I re-read all the books I have of hers. I really liked “Along for the Ride”, “What Happened to Goodbye” and “Just Listen”. But one of my constant favorites had been “Saving June”. That book really gets to me for some reason. Anyway, this is what my answer looks like if you ask me for my favorite book.


6. What’s the most courageous thing you have ever done?

“We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.” – Divergent. Probably the most courageous thing I’ve ever done is stand up for what I believe in no matter who I’m up against. 


7. If you could be a superhero what would your superpower be?

I’ve actually given this a lot of thought in the past because I’m writing a story (a sci-fi one) and the protagonist hadn’t been given a power yet.. After a lot of consideration I think it’d be rad if I could control the elements. Fire, Earth, Air and Water.



8.  Who is your female role model?

Closer home my female role models are my mother, (but obvious, she has to deal with a loon like me) and my close friends (they’re all amazing and there’s something to learn from all of them). Other than that I find Jennifer Lawrence to be slightly amazing. 


If you haven’t already heard this version of Flashlight by Hailee Steinfeld, please do. It’s amazing. 


That’s about it for this post 🙂

If you have been nominated by me, get right to it 😛

And I shall see you all on Monday,

A Still Can’t Believe I Got Nominated Teenager


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A Teenagers Favourite Book Quotes #1

Here arrives another Monday. I kinda hate Mondays but it’s also the day I post so I feel a level of appreciation as well. HAHA. Nah, I just hate Mondays. 


For this week’s post I’m going to be sharing some of my favourite quotes from certain books which will definitely make you pick up those books and read them if you haven’t already. These quotes are just the first part of many because I have A LOT of favourite quotes. I’ve just covered about 5 books in this post and if you do like these, lemme know and I shall do more posts like this one. 😀

P.S. I haven’t just taken these from the internet, I actually have all these quotes written down in a small book.


So in no particular order of ranking… here it goes-

1) “He took his pain and turned it into something beautiful. Into something that people connect to. And that’s what good music does. It speaks to you. It changes you.”

                                                                                                                – Saving June



2) “We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.”

– Divergent



3) “Have I gone mad?” “I’m afraid so, but let me tell you something, the best people usually are.”

Alice In Wonderland




4) “The important people in our lives leave imprints. They may stay or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart. There’s no getting over that.”

– Dash and Lily’s Book Of Dares




5) “I’m thinking I would like to dance in the rain with this person. I would like to lie next to him in the dark and watch him breathe and watch him sleep and wonder what he’s dreaming about and not get an inferiority complex if the dreams aren’t about me.”

– Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist



6) “It’s just nice, I guess. Knowing that someone else can put into words what I feel. That there are people who have been through things worse than I have, and they come out on the other side okay. Not only that, but they made some kind of twisted, fucked-up sense of the completely senseless. They made it mean something. These songs tell me I’m not alone. If you look at it at that way, music… music can see you through anything.”

– Saving June


7) “Becoming fearless isn’t the point. That’s impossible. It’s learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.”

– Divergent


8) The Mad Hatter: “Would you like some wine?”
Alice: “Yes…”
The Mad Hatter: “We haven’t any and you’re too young.”

– Alice In Wonderland


9) “You want meaning? Well, the meanings are out there. We’re just so damn good at reading them wrong.”

– Dash and Lily’s Book Of Dares


10) “We are the ones who take this thing called music and line it up with this thing called time. We are the ticking, we are the pulsing, we are underneath every part of this moment. And by making the moment our own, we are rendering it timeless. There is no audience. There are no instruments. There are only bodies and thoughts and murmurs and looks. It’s the concert rush to end all concert rushes, because this is what matters. When the heart races, this is what it’s racing towards.”

– Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist


11) “You can be surrounded by people and still be lonely. You can be the most popular person in school, envied by every girl and wanted by every boy, and still feel completely worthless. The world can be laid at your feet and you can still not know what you want from it.”

– Saving June


12) “A chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy.”

– Divergent

13) “If you don’t know where you are going, any road can take you there”

-Alice In Wonderland

14) “There are just lots of possibilities in the world…I need to keep my mind open for what could happen and not decide that the world is hopeless if what I want to happen doesn’t happen. Because something else great might happen in between.”

-Dash and Lily’s Book Of Dares


15) “She’s cinematic and I’m a fucking sitcom.”

– Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist


16) “You’re nothing like your sister,” he tells me. “She meant a lot to me, okay? It’s true. But the things I like about you have nothing to do with her. You – you are so strong and stubborn it drives me crazy. You’re the one going through all this and you still put Laney first every time, instead of throwing yourself the pity party we both know you deserve. You call me out on my shit, and I like that, because sometimes I need someone to call me out on my shit. And you get Johnny Cash, and you take these incredible photos, and everything about you makes me hurt, in a good way, and it blows my mind that someone can be so amazing and not even see it.”

– Saving June


17) “People tend to overestimate my character,” I say quietly. “They think that because I’m small, or a girl, or a Stiff, I can’t possibly be cruel. But they’re wrong.”

– Divergent


18) “Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”

– Alice In Wonderland


19) “In a field, I am the absence of field. In a crowd, I am the absence of crowd. In a dream, I am the absence of dream. But I don’t want to live as an absence. I move to keep things whole. Because sometimes I feel drunk on positivity. Sometimes I feel amazement at the tangle of words and lives, and I want to be a part of that tangle. “Game over,” you say, and I don’t know which I take more exception to- the fact that you say that it’s over, or the fact that you say it’s a game. It’s only over when one of us keeps the notebook for good. It’s only a game if there is an absence of meaning. And we’ve already gone too far for that.”

– Dash and Lily’s Book Of Dares


20) “Wold domination is exhausting and cliche. People ought to just focus on being individual responsible citizens of the earth instead of assholes.”

-Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist


And because no post of mine is complete with one song attached… I give you… This cover of Blank Space and Style by Louisa Wendorff and Devin Dawson.  It was originally performed by Taylor Swift but this is one of the best covers I’ve ever heard. So do listen to it 🙂


AAND that’s it for this post. Trust me, I have a lot more quotes from these books as well but I couldn’t go putting all of them up here all at once 😀 

Again, if you DID like this post and want me to do more of these posts, all you need to do is tell me so. You can do that by rating this post, liking it, commenting, reblogging it or even sending me an email. 

Plus my blog turned ONE on Saturday and well *tingly feelings commence*

Anyways, thanks for listening to my ramblings and all that. I can be a little hard and confusing to put up with so yeaa… thanks again 🙂 

That’s all for now,

An In Love With Books Teenager.