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HILARIOUS Blog Prompt Q&As And A Couple Of Amazing Songs

Hey Guys,


Ahhhh I cannot believe it! I’ve actually blogged sooner than I could imagine. But.. the problem is I couldn’t think of anything to blog about. So I decided to go on those post prompt sites and you CANNOT imagine how entertaining some of them were… SO being the forever bored teenager that I am (I currently have vacations) I decided to answer them :)) Also I asked one of my very very close friends for her comments as well so that’s going to put here too. We learnt some pretty crazy things about ourselves as well..


So the first prompt we got was this : “If I had 15 minutes to evacuate my home before it was to be destroyed by a hurricane, what 10 things would I grab (not including people or pets)” 


Me: Holy shit. A hurricane. Wow. I’ve never actually been in a hurricane before. Not that I want to–but I haven’t..


P (Let’s call my friend that) – You know you’ve already wasted 5 minutes out of the fifteen you have right?


Me- Bu-bu-but I NEED THOSE 15 minutes. Move it. Lemme grab my stuff.


P- Yeaaa, that’s okay but what would you grab?


Me- Umm.. let’s see 1) My laptop. Definitely. 2) My phone? 3) Books. Can books come under one?


P- With the amount you have? NO.


Me- Okay, darn. Then a couple of books, 4) Clothes.. 5) Headphones.. 6) My various chargers (laptop, phone).. 7)ummm.. chocolate?


P- Chocolate? There’s a hurricane and all you want to save is chocolate?


Me- Yes. Be quiet. I can’t think with all your negativity. Besides, if you don’t like chocolate you’re not getting any more brownies! Okay so chocolate, 8) This is tough.. Maybe my posters? 9) A couple of my CDs.. definitely the 5 Seconds of Summer ones and 10) ummmm.. wow. A first-aid kit maybe?


P- And you’re finally through! With some weird ass choices.


Me- Your turn buddy. Let’s see you do this..


P- okay… So 1) My Phone. Obviously. 2) My Headphones… 3) A Few clothes.. 4)FOOOD


Me- Food? Really? And you judged me for saying chocolate?


P- Shush, lemme continue. Dude. This is hard. ummm.. 5) A book (any one I don’t really care) 6) My family portrait..


Me- Your family’s not dying man. They’re with you. Calm Down!


P- Oh well, not that then. 6) Gillyweed #JustHarryPotterThings.. 7) A life boat?.. 8) OH a torch! 9) Buck’s cage (Buck’s her guinea pig)


Me- His cage isn’t counted budds. And since when do you live on a beach?


P- Hello? Bombay? DUH.


Me- So you assume the place we live in is going to be flooded? *we live the furthest away from water*


P- Daaaah okay. Got it 9) First-aid kit. annnd 10) Appy Fizz so that I can get a sugar rush.. Ohh a football because why not? And a helmet.


Me- P you do realize I’m typing this all down right?


P- Yes,yes I do. ANDDD add a knife and hockey stick. Creeps all around man. I need them for self defence. Don’t forget chocolates and my very first priority.. RED BULL.


Me- YOU WANT CHOCOLATES? NO. They’re mine. And you’ve already put down 10 P.. No Red Bull either..


P- But S, IT’LL GIVE ME WINGS. Try to understand budds.


Me- Okay, I’m putting that down as well.


Moral of this is : We’ve definitely got our priorities straight.


The second prompt that we got was: “Write about a question that looms large in your mind right now.”


Me- What even. Is this supposed to be a prompt?


P- Yes, yes it is. You go first.


Me- That’s easy.. There’s two questions for me. My first one is What am I going to eat next?


P – *Laughs a little too much*


Me- And my second one is: Will I ever meet 5 Seconds of Summer?


P- Good to know that you’d prefer food to 5 Seconds of Summer. Atleast I know you’re still human… Okay my turn..


Me- Ha! Go on.. Tell me what question looms large in your mind right now?


P- ……


Me- You don’t have a question? Seriously?


P- I’m speechless…


Me- Brilliant. Good to know that all it takes to make you speechless is a question about a question..


P- Hush. Go on.. what’s the next prompt?


Me- You do know I’ve typed all this down?


P- Yes, people are going to think I’m so dumb right now.. *Just to let you guys know, P’s one of the smartest people I’ve come across.. She’s just a little stupid at times so don’t judge her based on her answers right now.. We were extremely bored and hence these answers*


Me- Okay, on to the next one..


Moral of this prompt? We’re so philosophical that even Socrates or Plato couldn’t compete with us.


Our third prompt was: “Words that inspire you”


Me and P – FOOD!! * We literally said this at the same time.*


P- Not fair, that’s my inspiration.. Choose something else.


Me- Geez. I like food more than you. But okay, my inspiration would probably be chocolate.


P- We’re kinda weird..


Me- Kinda? Seriously? If anyone heard this conversation they’d think we belong in an asylum.


P- Well, some people are going to be reading this cause you’re typing it all..


Me- Holy unicorn poop! Oh yeaa..


P- Holy whaaaa? Don’t even repeat that. Just continue with the prompts..


The Moral from this? We would choose food/chocolate before anything else. So if you want us to do anything, food’s the way to our hearts


The fourth prompt that we got : “On a typical day I…”


Me- This is easy. On a typical day I… a) go to school.. b) try doing something productive at school (operative word being TRY). Oh and talking about how one day we’re going to be famous YouTubers is called being productive as well…


P- I miss going to school with you and the others.. *Once we finished with our tenth grade last year, P, I and the rest of our friends going to different schools and junior colleges.. So I don’t go to school with any of my old friends..*


Me- Yea, I miss you guys too.. We had so much funn… Anyway.. So then I come back home and on days that I have math I go for that.. come back home, do a bit of homework or atleast try to do some homework..  eat dinner and then lose myself on Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube.. Basically the internet or read a book.. That’s about it.. Your turn budds


P- Okaay.. So on a typical day I….sleep…And then get up and crib…Eat.. And then go to sleep again


Me- It’s funny how I know you so well.. And then suffer through a bunch of tuitions #asciencestudentslife


P- Haha yeaa.. Okay so the next one?

Moral of this? We don’t really have lives. 


And the last prompt was: “Brainstorm 10 titles to your autobiography.”


So for this instead of thinking of 20 titles, we came up with 10 (Actually I did, P was too bored)


Me- And the titles are- 1) The Life of A Crazy Teenager


2)Weird Life Of An Even Weirder Teenager


3) Confessions of a Chocoholic


4) A Foodies Guide To Life


5) Everything and Nothing


6) Forever Bored, Confused and Crazy


7) It’s Called Awesomeness Not Psychotic


8) An Incomplete Masterpiece


9) S and P’s Guide To Surviving Life as Teenagers


and my favourite one (P, please don’t kill me) 10) The Life of a Science                                                                                                                 Student.


And that’s about it 🙂

 Moral of this one? The books would be bestsellers. 

Hope you liked it and if you’d answer these prompts differently.. *well of course you would* comment down below with YOUR answers 🙂


And has anyone heard of Against The Current? They’re my current favourite YouTube band and you should totally check their songs as well as their covers out because they are *AWESOME*. Here are a couple of their originals but be sure to check out the rest as well







funny humour life music sarcasm short stories songs teenager

5 HILARIOUS Short Stories Written By—- A Short Story Generator and ME!

Hey guys, 

So I was really really bored and needed some inspiration. This lead to me going onto one of those prompt sites that help you build a short story and they were the most hilarious stories ever written. All you need to do is fill up some of the blanks, which I did.. to give way to some crazy crazy stories and a couple of songs as well 😀 They make absolutely no sense whatsoever but I couldn’t stop laughing. And so I decided to put them on here. Hope they make you laugh a little at the nonsensical babble:)  P.S. All the characters are merely a figment of my imagination. Any similarity is purely coincidental. And I do not usually write these types of stories 

1) The very first story is titled (Wait for it) – Malicious Violet Mercer. It’s quite the misnomer. Read on to find out why


Malicious Viloet Mercer

A Short Story
by skylove1234 (my name hush!)

Viloet Mercer had always loved quiet Sleepford with its nutritious, narrow nooks. It was a place where she felt weird.

She was a malicious, creepy, martini drinker with pretty hair and blonde eyes. Her friends saw her as a warty, wide-eyed witch. Once, she had even revived a dying, puppy. That’s the sort of woman he was.

Viloet walked over to the window and reflected on her urban surroundings. The hail pounded like standing dogs.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Jake Blase. Jake was a snotty knight with charming hair and tall eyes.

Viloet gulped. She was not prepared for Jake.

As Viloet stepped outside and Jake came closer, she could see the annoying glint in his eye.

Jake gazed with the affection of 530 loving brawny birds. He said, in hushed tones, “I love you and I want some more Facebook friends.”

Viloet looked back, even more happy and still fingering the dry phone. “Jake, do you know how much trouble I took to achieve the number of friends I have,” she replied.

They looked at each other with psychotic feelings, like two graceful, grated guinea pigs arguing at a very hungry EDM party, which had EDM music playing in the background and two stupid uncles laughing to the beat.

Viloet regarded Jake’s charming hair and tall eyes. “I feel the same way!” revealed Viloet with a delighted grin.

Jake looked sad, his emotions blushing like a better, bumpy book.

Then Jake came inside for a nice drink of martini.


I cannot help but burst out laughing at that.. Anywaysss on to the next one..
2)  And this one is even more of a misnomer… I cannot believe how crazy this one is.. Oh and this story takes place on Mars, like the planet. 

Two Mean Uncles Bouncing to the Beat (P.S. There is no uncle let alone two of them)

A Short Story
by skylove1234

Emerald Fransico looked at the platinum pencil in her hands and felt grumpy.

She walked over to the window and reflected on her hot surroundings. She had always loved red Mars with its abundant, ashamed air. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel grumpy.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Cannon O’ood. Cannon was a ruthless god with ample ankles and beautiful hands.

Emerald gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a slimy, understanding, ice tea drinker with ruddy ankles and red hands. Her friends saw her as a deafening, defeated do gooder. Once, she had even helped a purple baby recover from a flying accident.

But not even a slimy person who had once helped a purple baby recover from a flying accident, was prepared for what Cannon had in store today.

The sandstorm teased like cooking cows, making Emerald jumpy.

As Emerald stepped outside and Cannon came closer, she could see the wet smile on his face.

Cannon glared with all the wrath of 472 stable manky mokeys. He said, in hushed tones, “I hate you and I want a wifi code.”

Emerald looked back, even more jumpy and still fingering the platinum pencil. “Cannon, who keeps the code as 007? I’m no James Bond,” she replied.

They looked at each other with crazy feelings, like two bulbous, blue-eyed bats boating at a very modest marathon, which had blues music playing in the background and two mean uncles bouncing to the beat.

Emerald regarded Cannon’s ample ankles and beautiful hands. “I feel the same way!” revealed Emerald with a delighted grin.

Cannon looked afraid, his emotions blushing like a slow, sparkling scissor.

Then Cannon came inside for a nice drink of ice tea.


3) Annnd now it’s time for a song.. It’s I think supposed to be a mixture of Taylor Swift songs.. but it’s the most crazily hilarious one from them all. If Taylor Swift ever sees this? I’m so sorry.

This Love is Consuming But It’s Hideous

by skylove1234

We were both funny when I first saw you.
You let’s get food and the flashback starts:
The beach is where I’m standing in the Winter air.

What are you doing with that new lover?
Who wears that quiet t-shirt,
When I wear an amazing dress,
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you’re looking for is my super hair.

So this is me crying,
Standing in front of you saying, “You’re crazy but I want you!”
And I go back to Winter all the time.
It turns out freedom ain’t nothing but laughing casually,
Wishing I’d realised Your eyes are hypnotising.
I’d go back to Winter, turn around and do some kissing.
I go back to Winter quite often.

Baby, let’s do some arguing,
This love is hot but it’s hideous.
It’s a love story, baby,
Just be my lifeless tiger.

We are never ever ever going to try snuggling badly together,
We are never ever ever going to try snuggling badly together,
You go talk to your mother, talk to my sister, talk to me,
But we are never ever ever ever going to try snuggling badly together,
Just kicking deftly forever.

You’re crazy but I want you baby, You’re crazy but I want you.

Number 3) This one is probably the weirdest story ever made and I had to actually change the name of the story because well, if I put that name on here a misnomer would be a mild understatement. So here’s the next story..

John and Krissy

A Short Story
by skylove1234

John Asher looked at the crumpled knife in his hands and felt puzzled.

He walked over to the window and reflected on his magical surroundings. He had always loved pretty Truro with its abundant, arrogant arches. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel puzzled.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Krissy La Del. Krissy was a delightful academic with fragile shins and spiky elbows.

John gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a witty, friendly, Beer drinker with handsome shins and hairy elbows. His friends saw him as a brainy, broad brute. Once, he had even helped a fresh deaf person cross the road.

But not even a witty person who had once helped a fresh deaf person cross the road, was prepared for what Krissy had in store today.

The snow flurried like bouncing frogs, making John confident.

As John stepped outside and Krissy came closer, he could see the ugly glint in her eye.

“Look John,” growled Krissy, with a malicious glare that reminded John of delightful monkeys. “I hate you and I want peace. You owe me 1388 dollars.”

John looked back, even more confident and still fingering the crumpled knife. “Krissy, I hate you but I can’t stop thinking about you since the day you cried,” he replied.

They looked at each other with angry feelings, like two few, friendly foxes partying at a very scheming movie, which had R&B music playing in the background and two stingy uncles running to the beat.

John studied Krissy’s fragile shins and spiky elbows. Eventually, he took a deep breath. “I’m afraid I declared myself bankrupt,” explained John. “You will never get your money.”

“No!” objected Krissy. “You lie!”

“I do not!” retorted John. “Now get your fragile shins out of here before I hit you with this crumpled knife.”

Krissy looked irritable, her wallet raw like a better, bewildered banana.

John could actually hear Krissy’s wallet shatter into 1388 pieces. Then the delightful academic hurried away into the distance.

Not even a drink of Beer would calm John’s nerves tonight.


4) Time for another song. This time it’s One Direction inspired. I’m soo sorry if you’re a Directioner and are reading this..

That’s What Makes You Clean

by skylove1234

Lately I found myself acting (acting)
Been dreaming about you a lot (a lot)
And up in my head I’m your friend (friend)
But that’s one thing you’ve already got.

You’re loving,
Don’t know what for,
You’re turning heads when you roll your eyes,
Don’t need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough.

Baby, you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you eat some chocolate gets me overwhelmed,
But when you scrunch your nose it ain’t hard to tell,
You don’t know,
Oh, oh,
You don’t know you’re loving,
If only you saw what I can see,
You’d understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe,
You don’t know,
Oh, oh,
You don’t know you’re loving,
Oh, oh,
That’s what makes you loving.

I’ve tried playing it cool,
But when I’m looking at you,
I can’t ever be clean,
‘Cause you make my heart love.

One way or another I’m gonna scrunch your nose,
I’m gonna get you, get you, get you, get you.
One way or another I’m gonna roll your eyes,
I’m gonna get you, get you, get you, get you.

It feels like I’m constantly acting,
‘Cause I can’t compete with your friend,
He’s got ten thousand tattoos.

Aaaand for number 5…. *drumroll*….. It’s a vampire story blurb (No short story is ever complete without a vampire)! With some comments on the blurb as well 😀 

The Admirable Vampire

A Teen Vampire Story
by skylove1234

There’s an admirable new boy in Plymouth and he has everybody talking. Stunningly short and devastatingly smart, all the girls want him. However, Roger Nolan has a secret – he’s a selfish vampire.

Chantal Ramsbottom is a kind, handsome girl who enjoys star gazing. She becomes fascinated by Roger who can stop elephants with his bare hands. She doesn’t understand why he’s so standoffish.

Her best friend, an incredible ogre called Marion, helps Chantal begin to piece together the puzzle. Together, they discover the ultimate weapon – the purple, enchanted blade.

When bodies start turning up all over Plymouth, Chantal begins to fear the worst. The ogre urges her to report Roger to the police and she knows she should, so what’s stopping her?

She may resist Roger’s bite, but can she resist his charms?

Will she be caught shouting with the vampire?

And now for the praise and comments for this particular blurb-

“Bursting with originality. A kind girl falling for a short vampire has simply never been done before.”
– The Daily Tale
“About as moving as a cow stuck in a bog, but The Admirable Vampire does deliver an important message about not having a ogre for a friend.”
– Enid Kibbler
“A purple, enchanted blade would be my first choice too. This must be based on a true story, you couldn’t make this stuff up!”
– Hit the Spoof
“I could do better.”
– Zob Gloop

And that’s about all the stories that I came up with or atleast the story generator did..

Moral of this pointless exercise? Don’t trust those story generators.. They can give you some pretty hilarious but twisted stories

If you liked this post, then you can hit the like option 🙂

And have you guys heard of this amazing band called 5 Seconds of Summer? They’re my absolute favourite band and have been for quite some time now. 

So just because I put you through those stories and songs, here’s a treat for you..

Hope you liked their song, 

Till next time (which is very soon, I promise),

A Laughing Out Right Now Teenager


31 Day Challenge for January: Day 10

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 10: The theme is “memories”.

Memories can be both pleasant and  make you want to huddle up in your blanket and cry for hours. I’m one of the lucky ones(or the unfortunate ones) that haven’t had a lot of memories that make me feel like I’m living a nightmare.

People have both good and bad days, it’s what happens after the storm that shapes you as a person. Your memories influence who you become and the decisions you make in the future, whether you like them or not.

One of the funniest memories I have is when our family was going out on a drive. (Heads up: My brothers name is the same name as that of a God.)  So as usual we were bickering in the car (because hooray for sibling rivalry) when we passed a shop with my name on it. So I started pointing out shops and restaurants and everything that had my name on it and telling my brother that they were named after me because I’m awesome! (I was like 12 at that time so don’t judge and I have an amazing nickname.) My brother was just 6 at that time so well he was pretty clueless (still is if you ask me). He looks at me with this straight face and calmly tells me “Well, I have a God named after me.”

Funniest thing ever. I think we didn’t stop laughing for the entire drive and my brother,poor thing (note the sarcasm) didn’t understand what was going on.

Now this example is probably not the best way to tell you that your memories influence your decisions but hey, I got to embarrass my younger brother on the Internet so I’m happy! Besides that’s exactly what older siblings live for, to get a rise out of their younger siblings 😀

Be on here tomorrow (See? I’m becoming punctual) ,

A Still Laughing At The Memory Teenager.