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A Teenagers Take On The First Week Of Senior Year

It’s Mondaaay!

I know I’ve been nominated for a couple of awards *I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE THE FACT THAT I GOT NOMINATED* but I’m going to post those either tomorrow or day after because this post is long overdue.


So last week, I started my first week as a senior. Just one more year and I’m out of high school and while that’s a pretty scary prospect, I cannot wait for it. It’s going to be a whole new adventure. And this post’s going to be how my first week of senior year went. (Trust me, it’s not pretty. I’m still suffering from aftershocks and if this is how the rest of the year’s gonna be? Please get me to college ASAP.)



The first weeks went a little like this-

1. First day of school- I was super excited to meet a ton of my friends who’d gone on vacations and so we couldn’t meet. That part was funn however, I also had to meet my teachers once again which wasn’t quite that much fun. (I wonder why). There’s a ton of projects that we had to do *I’d actually completed them after procrastinating till two weeks before school* and I’d carried them but guess what? No one took them. 

Oh and I got a ton of homework. Did I mention it was just the first day back? 

I think Lady Luck has a personal vendetta against me. 

2. I learnt that never wish for a teacher to leave because the person who replaces them is well… there’s no word to describe them. – Before school ended a few of our teachers were leaving and we really liked some of them but there was this one teacher who couldn’t teach. The class usually consisted of guys throwing things at each other across the class, asking the teacher questions like “Have you seen this movie”, or “You shouldn’t come tomorrow.There’s going to be an epic match” and basically annoy the teacher, there were a bunch of people who just used to sleep and then there were people who used to gossip. Oh, and if you’re wondering students did pay attention. Just 2 of them. But in the first week we got a new teacher. And let me just assure you that we miss the old one. And that’s our entire class by the way. The new one’s a pain. A literal pain… to our ears. He’s so loud that you can’t even hear what the person beside you is trying to say to you. And this is not an exaggeration. It has actually happened. Plus his voice is a paradox; he drones on and on which makes you fall asleep but because of his loud voice you cannot fall asleep. 

I didn’t even know this was possible until last week. 


3. It gets worse- So I realized that life DOES NOT get easier; and if anyone tells you your senior year’s gonna be a cakewalk, they’re lying. I’ve been piled up with homework, a test to study for, and well math which leaves me absolutely no time to procrastinate. This is a travesty. As a result of this, I can’t even be on here that much anymore which is actually more painful than anything else. We were warned by our seniors, should have taken it more seriously. 

But of course we didn’t. Too cool and all that. 


4. Don’t wear wet socks – I don’t know why I added this point but just wanted you all to know that this leads to a terrible cold. I’m suffering from one right now. Oh and I didn’t wear the socks when they were wet; I just got a little soaked in the rain and so here I am writing this post wanting to bandage my nose or something because it’s annoying. 


Word of Advice? Bandaging your nose does not help


5. Math is slow torture- 12th grade math? No joke. Our class has some pretty bright students and all of us have almost given hope on ever understanding math. It’s like a really dark tunnel which goes on for eternity without you ever seeing a ray of sunshine. It’s scary. Nightmares could be made just by MATH. You could become a math textbook for Halloween because that book is scary. 


And then there’s also the fact that we’ve done so much more work in just a week than we did in a month last year. Seems like they took “hit senior year running and not walking” kinda literally.

 Atleast now I know what I’m suffering from. It’s a legit disease. 




And that’s how my first week as a senior went. Remember: It gets worse. But it’s going to be alright. Because this year is never going to come back đŸ™‚



And that’s about it for my post this week. If you haven’t already heard this cover of “I Really Like You”, you’re missing out on some amazing music. It’s got MAX, Kurt Hugo Schneider and Against The Current. What could possibly go wrong?




If you did like this post or enjoyed reading it, like, rate or even reblog it or let me know by commenting on this post. You could even email me your thoughts and if you’ve ever had a hectic first week lemme know. I’m always here to listen. đŸ™‚

As I said I’ll be posting a little earlier than Monday because I have a couple of awards that I must complete *feels so proud and does the happy dance*. And I’ll also be posting on Monday so there’s going to be a triple post this week đŸ™‚

Thanks for making it all the way down here,

A About To Do More Homework Teenager. 

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10 Posts That Describe What A Teenager Goes Through In School

Hey Guys, 

I’ve decided that I’ll only be blogging once a week and I still don’t know which day it’ll be sooo.. Anyway, that’s not important. What’s important is this post right here! 

We all know how tough it is being a teenager. You’re not an adult and you can’t be considered a child. We’re seriously misunderstood and there’s so many expectations from us that it’ll drive anyone crazy! And then there’s SCHOOL. 

So growing up, I actually used to like going to school (yepp, I was one of “Those” kids) but once I started my ninth grade? The only reason I ever went was because of my friends *without whom I would have never survived* They were literally my lifeline for those two years đŸ™‚Â 

And somehow I decided to write this post: 10 posts (taken from Tumblr) that perfectly sum up what a teenager has to go through in school.. So let’s get to it



I love how this happens in Every. Single. Exam. It’s literally the most wonderful feeling in the world when your brain decides not to cooperate with you.



And then  commence the expectant look from the teachers and the slightly judgy look from all your classmates with a few of them trying not to laugh. This could be a great horror story. No, wait. It already is.



And all the teachers have to say is “But the test was so simple. You just needed to go through all the sums we did. I’m sure you didn’t. Study for the next test instead of telling me it was a tough one”. (Or something to that extent). Geez.


4) School_4

Again, the only thing I really liked about school was the fact that I made some amazing friends and we all got really close to each other. Most of the time we were doing exactly what the post says in school.. It was crazy!



And so study=procrastination. Glad to know I’m doing it the right way.



The Dreaded Math. If I ever celebrate Halloween, I’m going as a math textbook.



 One of the oldest tricks in the teenager’s guide to survive school. I’ve done this so many times that I’ve lost count. 



I guess my “Please-get-me-out-of-here-and-semi-murderous” expression is not exactly my nicest one…



School’s like the Hunger Games and we’re all the tributes in a fight till the finish. You get the picture. Oh and if you have gum and you show it to someone, expect it to disappear in seconds.



Sums it up pretty accurately.

But to be very honest, two of my high school years went by in the blink of an eye. It’s like a roller coaster ride and when it finishes you miss it a little. 


So umm.. yeaa… that’s about it..

I will update only once a week from now on.. and the day I update next will be the day I will normally update. 

Till next week,

A Missing School Teenager


Math: To Study or To Procrastinate?

This is an easy enough answer. I mean on one hand you have math, the most annoying subject which often has you tearing your hair out in frustration, lots of sleepless nights and more hours than you can count running on purely caffeine and the will to survive the ordeal. On the other hand you can procrastinate, run away from that hideous monster and don’t let it ruin your day. Obviously, procrastination would win. Every. Single. Time.

I love how all my math teachers are so delusional to think I’m going to be needing things right from speed, distance and time to calculus with all the differentiation and integration and derivatives and a ton of other stuff.

Simply put, I don’t seem to like math. We just don’t get along, you know?

And so I bid adieu to you and you and youuuuu (Sound of Music reference. Don’t judge.) because I have a ton of math homework to do. That’s probably why I’m on the internet right now. Procrastinating till I cannot procrastinate any further.

A Ready To Tear My Hair Out Teenager.


31 Day Challenge for January: Day 7

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 7: The theme is “shoes”.

Wait, what?


Seriously. I’m the last person to care or even think about shoes. I know,I’m not the stereotypical girl.

*2 Hours Later*

*I’m good at procrastinating* đŸ˜›

Oh shoot! I still have to finish this post. *freaks out a bit and then starts taking shoes out of the shoe cupboard*.

I decided that I have nothing to write. Literally. So I shall tell you my shoes by giving them each an award. *yes, this is not absurd at all.*

Best School Shoes (I only have one but well, who’s counting)- My Black Converse *hearts*

Most Used Shoes (I don’t know how I still have these)- These pinkish shoes- yes, I’ve forgotten the brand.

Best Coloured Shoes ( HAAAH! I had to think of something!) – Purple slippers đŸ˜›

Most Dressy Shoes — These wedges that I have.

Most Comfortable Shoes (drumroll cause this is the last one) — These Nike ones đŸ™‚

And there you have it.

Now I have to go put them back thanks to this post.

The things you do for a post. *sighs heavily*

Signing off,

A I’m In A Hurry To Put My Shoes Back Teenager


Everything and Nothing #3

Guess who’s back from a school trip?


It’s the Ponguinda đŸ˜€


The trip was amazing and sooo pretty and I loved every part of it. I came back just a few hours ago so I’m super tired so this is going to be a short post and then I’ll add another post SOON (honestly don’t know when) with a ton of pictures and things.

I’ve come back with a gazillion memories of the trip cause of all the fun we had. I’ll admit the bus journeys got a little tedious towards the end (we travelled everywhere by bus so we spent like 3-9 hours on a bus at times) but I’d never do anything differently. One of the places we stayed at was a resort deep inside the forest so we had to take jeeps into the forest for a 30 minute ride to the resort and trust me, those jeep rides were AMAZING. At night the place looked as though we were characters in the Slenderman game and our conversations involved unicorns ATLEAST thrice in every jeep ride.


Anyway, now that I’m back I’ll try to be more regular with my posts and all that ( TRY is the operative word). The life of a teenager is a tough one and that of a Ponguinda is even tougher (trust me, I’m living it). I think I’m going to go and sleep now (trust me, I’m lying đŸ˜‰ I’ll spend my time catching up on my Interent life ). Is it weird if I say that my Internet life is sometimes more interesting than my actual life?

Oh, and another reason Luke Hemmings and I should meet, become best buddies and ride off into Penguin Land (Unicorns exist here. Just saying) together is that I checked Twitter a few hours back and every other member had some or the other drama going on but Luke just tweeted “Hiiiiiii” and the fact that he was moody and jet lagged,basically we’re two parts of a mind. It’s crazy telepathy I tell you. I think I fangirl(ed) for an hour after that.


Okay now I really need to sleep before I fall asleep without finishing this post.

You’re never going to be as awesome as a Ponguinda but you can try,

Ponguinda aka a Seriously Confused Teenager.


Everything and Nothing #2

Hello Earthlings, it’s the Ponguinda here.

I think I prefer my internet friends over humans.

They understand the life of a ponguinda aka the life of an extremely weird and awkward teenager.


I sound like a crazy version of Michael Clifford now.. I think we’d get along brilliantly. And to all those who don’t know him? He’s punk rock. Google him immediately. Like RIGHT NOW. Don’t even read any further. Just google him. Well, you can read if you want to…. cause you realize that my life’s extremely interesting…. NOT!

*fangirls over Luke Hemmings* <—— Randomness defined. f

Oh Oh Oh the only interesting thing that’s happening is that I’m off on a school trip today đŸ™‚

YAAAAAY!! OMG I cannot waaait đŸ˜€

so basically I won’t be on for a week.. please don’t miss my awesomeness đŸ˜‰

I think I’ll go to sleep now for a while.

*not happening since I’ll spend all the time I have left watching youtubers.*

And I had to ask anyone reading this extremely unamusing post… Do YOU think I should become a YouTuber? Comment to let me know đŸ™‚


WOW You made it till the end đŸ™‚ You deserve an award..

Maybe chocolate mousse?

NEVER. Follow my golden policy “If it’s chocolate, then it’s mine.”

May the chocolate be EVER in your favour.

I’m still weird. I’m a teenager. It’s all connected. Figure it out and if you can’t? Deal with it.


30 Day Challenge: Day 15

30 Day Challenge

Day 15: Write your entire day in bullet points

  • Woke up at 7 in the morning even though I have vacations.
  • Ate breakfast at 8:30.
  • Did a bit of economics cause I have exams coming up.
  • Took a break at approximately 11:30
  • Went through 5sos gifs cause they make me happy
  • Tried to get Luke Hemmings to follow me on Twitter, unsuccessfully
  • Ate pizza for lunch *YAY*
  • Slept for a while
  • Did more math *hate it*
  • Spammed Luke on Twitter AGAIN
  • Started working on an assignment for school
  • Spoke to my friends for a while
  • Ate dinner
  • Wrote this post
  • Will spend the entire night on Twitter again


I have no life.