
31 Day Challenge for January: Day 6

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 6: The theme is ’embarrassment’.

Well, truth be told if you’re friends with me, then you no longer feel embarrassed ever. Literally. I’ve embarrassed my friend while walking down this really busy road and everyone was just staring at us wondering if we escaped from the asylum or not. And I haven’t done that only once; it’s happened repeatedly.. It happens every time I meet up with my friends.


That’s the thing about embarrassment; it becomes a whole lot funnier when you have friends who embarrass you on a daily basis and even after that manage to make you laugh. I think embarrassment is directly proportional to how close you are to your friends (See how I casually slipped a math/physics term in? 😛 ). You can embarrass yourself in front of complete strangers and then wish that you could slowly slink away into the darkness but if you embarrass yourself in front of your close friends (even though they’re the reason you’re embarrassed) they won’t let you become the Christmas grump and soon enough,you’ll find it hilarious as well.

You’re going to be embarrassed so many times in your life, but if you become shy and don’t do anything new that could potentially be embarrass you, then you’re going to miss out so much. You can’t choose when you’re going to be embarrassed, it’s what you do after you’re embarrassed that people remember. Look at Jennifer Lawrence (she’s pretty much every ones girl crush) for example. She fell while going up to receive her Oscar. Did that stop her from making an amazing speech while telling everyone in the audience that she’s clumsy? NO. Could you imagine how embarrassed you would have been if that happened to you? But she pulled it off and laughed it off as well. Now if that isn’t called amazeballs; I don’t know what is.

And that’s it for today.

If you thought you could find out anything embarrassing about me through this post- then you’re WRONG!

But seriously all you need to do is track down one of my friends, they have loads of embarrassing stories to tell about me and my parents, let’s not even go there. They could write books on my embarrassing stories.

And now I’m off to bake rainbow cupcakes for my friends birthday tomorrow and try to get my family’s hands off the batter,


A I’m In A Hurry So That I Don’t Embarrass Myself Tomorrow Teenager.


31 Day Challenge for January: Day 3

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 3: The theme is “Bucket List”

Yay! I’ve always wanted to blog about my bucket list and now I’m getting a chance to 🙂

For those who do not know what a bucket list is, it’s basically a list of all the things you want to do before you die. It includes all the experiences and the goals you want to achieve and everyone is highly recommended to have a bucket list.

“Every man dies- not every man really lives.” – William Ross

So I’m going to include 10 things that are on MY bucket list because I cannot write a million things on this post (well I can, but I’m too lazy).

These are in order whatsoever and again, there’s a million other things that I’m not writing on here. If you have a bucket list or are planning to write a post with your bucket list just send me an email and I shall definitely see it 😀

Bucket List

1) Travel all around the world- I’ve always wanted to go to Rome, Venice, Spain, USA, Mexico,Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, Greenland, Norway, Canada,France, Britiain…. well, you get my point. So I’m going to go to these places one at a time and slowly tick them off.



San Fransico
San Fransisco




2) Meet 5 Seconds Of Summer OR at least go to their concert- I don’t care how old I’m going to be; if I have a chance of going to their concert or meeting them, I’m going to do exactly that! Nothing gets in my way.

5 Seconds of Summer- My All Time Favourite Band
5 Seconds of Summer- My All Time Favourite Band

3) Get a tattoo- Okay, so I’ve always wanted to get a tattoo and I haven’t discussed this even with my parents yet. A tattoo was the second thing I wanted to do right after getting blue and purple streaks( I’ve already got blue ones done so yay). I’m turning 18 in around two years so I have two years to convince my parents( who are both completely against the idea I might add). So the tattoo I want to get done is a treble clef on either my ankle or wrist.

This is what it would probably look like
This is what it would probably look like


4) Go scuba-diving- I have always wanted to do this. Unfortunately my parents refuse to let me do this on my own and they don’t want to scuba-dive. So this is definitely one of the things I want to do before I die because who wouldn’t? The experience would be fantastic!

Under the Sea

5) Open a small bakery- So I’ve been baking since the 8th grade and I’ve become pretty good at it (I’m humble, what can I say?). It’s become a recent goal of mine to start a small bakery.Obviously that’s not going to happen any time soon, but one day it shall.

6) Go Skiing- Snow! Snow! Snow! Why would anyone not want to go skiing? I’m not even going to give a reason for this.

Snow Snow and more Snow!
Snow Snow and more Snow!

7) Write a book- I love writing. It’s a stress buster and one of the reasons I actually started blogging was because I love writing and I wanted to share it with other people (aka you, yes you). Soon after I started this blog, I also made an account on Wattpad and I started writing a story. But since everyone knows how punctual I am (sarcasm,sarcasm) I haven’t updated in ages. My goal is to finish the book, sometime. Maybe in another year? (cough, cough. That’s never happening.) Okay to be more realistic in another three years. 😛

8) Eat, Eat and Eat some more Chocolate- I’m a chocoholic. There. I’ve admitted it. My dream i is to eat chocolate from morning till night (even for a midnight snack) for an entire week. I haven’t been able to do this yet because of my dear parents but I shall definitely do this.

Chocolate from the morning till the evening
Chocolate from the morning till the evening

9) Become a YouTuber/Viner-  Bucket List Thing To Complete #1. This friend of mine and I decided to open a collab channel and talk about everything and nothing. It’s going to be absolutely hilarious. When is this channel starting? I have no clue. That’s the only thing we haven’t decided yet 😛

10) Go behind someone in a department store and spray disinfectant on anything that they touch- BEST PRANK EVER. If I ever become a YouTuber, you know what the first video’s going to be now. 😀


So this is a small part of my bucket list.

Hope you liked it. Well you better have, I spent so much time on this post. I can’t even believe it. Now I’m off to eat one of the red velvet cupcakes that I baked and NO, you cannot have one. 😛

Till the next post,

A Seriously Happy With Her Post Teenager.






















Everything and Nothing #1

So my cousin got like a bunch of cupcakes about 10 minutes ago and it’s safe to say there’s only one left now.


The culprits? My brother and I.


Don’t judge us cause we’re as smooth as ninjas when it comes to eating cupcakes… or anything sweet really… Besides the cupcakes were a piece of heaven.


*gives all the readers a virtual cupcake* *and then steals it away and eats it cause cupcakes are MINE.*


May you be as awesome as a ninja.

I’m weird. Deal with it.