
Everything and Nothing #5

This is another one of those random post-update things that I do.

So here’s some good and bad news:

The Good News is that I was punctual for 12 Days (12 whole days!!) (I deserve a round of applause.) *claps for myself.*

And the Bad News is that I’ve not added anything new for the past 9 days (been super busy and all that.)

I’m definitely going to finish the challenge though, so after this Saturday expect like triple posts, maybe even 4 posts a day so that I’m up to date πŸ™‚ (I have my SAT this Saturday, so I’ll be free after that)

Also, I’m not going to be updating a lot in February because I have my exams coming up… but I’ll try to do my best.

Oh, and because people have been asking me how they can contact me or help with posts – you can always email me at or you’ll see a page of mine which says “Want to Post” on my blog. Just click that and you can send in an application πŸ™‚ I might not reply the next instant but I shall get to it eventually.

This weekend I had the opportunity to volunteer for this festival organised for more than 3000 children which was actually pretty fun because a lot of my friends had volunteered with me as well.

This really funny situation took place yesterday when I was talking to someone about Unicorn Poop Cookies (yes, apparently these things exist. Google it. Even I didn’t know that until someone told me a couple of weeks ago.) and she said “but Unicorns don’t exist.” I yelled “Are you crazy? Of course they do! Next you’ll tell me Ponguindas don’t exist and then basically you’re saying that I don’t exist.”

She just stared at me and then shook her head. Non-believers, I tell you. They make our work so much harder.

Anyway, it was pretty funny when it happened. *Don’t judge.*

And that’s about all that’s happened.. yes I have no life. Feel proud that you have one.

Till the next time I figure I need to do one of these posts again,

A Sleepy Teenager.



31 Day Challenge for January: Day 11

31 Day Challenge for January

Day 11: The theme is “confession”.


I have somthing I really needed to let you guys know..

It’s this huge burden on my back and I’m going to feel so liberated after confessing this.





Are you sure you want to know?





Okay then.






You are warned









Here it is,

I’m a psychic ponguinda! πŸ˜›


GOTCHA! *yells this at you unsuspecting people*


But on a more serious note this is what I’d like to confess: People think I’m emotional, they think I cry easily. What they don’t realise is that I don’t cry because I’m upset or because I care too much or even because I’m sensitive. I cry because I’m frustrated. And sometimes I have days when all I do is curl up and cry for hours and after that I honestly feel so much better. It’s this weird reaction I have. I don’t even know why I cry when I’m frustrated.

So yea.

That’s about it,

A Just Confessed A Weird Thing Teenager


Everything and Nothing #4

Hello Earthlings,

I haven’t got a chance to wish you a Merry Christmas so welll..

Merry Christmas πŸ˜€ (Even though it was five days ago. I can see you judging me. Don’t. Thanks.)

And since I can absolutely guarantee that I won’t be posting a Happy New Year post on New Year, I’m going to wish you all right now πŸ˜€

Happy New Year Earthlings and have a great year ahead πŸ™‚

So this year has been quite eventful (not to mention hectic!) and honestly, I’m looking forward to next year. (Who isn’t?)

ANDDD one last announcement that I have to make is that I’m going to be doing another challenge. YES, Me the ever punctual ponguinda who never fails to post everyday! (Note the sarcasm please.) Anyway, since one of my resolution is too TRY to be more punctual ( TRY is the operative word), I’m going to be doing the 30 Day Challenge for the month of January 2015 which I’ve taken from this wonderful bloggerΒ

Wish me luck and wish yourself lots of patience πŸ˜€

Till next year, literally,

The Ponguinda.



30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge

Day 30: Your highs and lows for the month

Can everybody just take a moment to laugh at the fact that this is meant only for one month and here I am compiling everything from the past 2 months into this post.

It’s the last and final post πŸ™‚

Well, not literally.

I’ll still be posting. I’ve just finished with this challenge πŸ™‚

If you have a challenge that I should do just email it to me or comment on this post. I’ll get to it. Eventually.

Anyway, My highs would be-

1) My school trip

2) Baking a lot

3) Doing well in school

4) Getting selected for an inter-school creative writing competition

5)Being happy (most of the time)

My lows-

I believe in not having lows. After all everything’s a learning experience. Plus, nothing really bad has happened so I’m at a loss at what to write. πŸ™‚

And the last post of this challenge has come to an end.

I’m going to act like a proud director who has just finished with a movie shoot that’s been going on for ages and say


Till the next time,

A Seriously Happy Ponguinda.


30 Day Challenge: Day 25

30 Day Challenge

Day 25: Think of any word, Search it on google images. Write something inspired by the 11th image.


I know I’m the most lazy person and don’t post the 30 Day Challenge everyday but I can’t help it. Laziness and doing absolutely nothing will always come before this blog. *Note the Sarcasm.*

So I was listening to music and ta-daaaa! The word I chose was music. You’re just lucky I didn’t choose 5 Seconds of Summer or Luke Hemmings or Penguins or Batman or Pepsi or Β chocolate or Luke Hemmings.. *sees that I’ve written Luke Hemmings more than once and will never change it.*

And my 11th picture was this





And I realized that this is EXACTLY what music is. You know how people create playlists or mix cds for when they’re upset, happy or want to party? That’s cause those songs reflect what they’re feeling or what they want to feel. There are some songs that you can just relate to because you’ve been in that situation before and you know exactly what the words mean. I’m not a songwriter or even a lyricist but I feel that music comes from our heart; and only then does it mean something. It’s only then that you truly connect with your audience. I mean look at Selena Gomezs performance at the AMAs. The entire set was so simple yet so powerful only because she felt every word that she sang and even I, someone sitting miles away could see that and connect to that. I guess what I’m trying to say is that music and feelings are complementary or directly proportional, they both are extremely powerful and can move thousands of people.

Now this ninja-ponguinda must go back to what she was doing—- looking at 5 seconds of summers videos and laughing. Yes, I have no life. This is what happens when you enter one of the craziest fandoms but I wouldn’t change it for the world.


Ta-da! πŸ˜€


30 Day Challenge : Day 24

30 Day Challenge

Day 24: Write about a lesson you learnt the hard way.


I know that I said I was going to fall asleep after my last post but this is going to be a really short one so here it is— it’s a really tough lesson.

Are you sure you want to hear it?






Really sure?







It’s not too late to go back.








Well, continue at your own risk,










I learnt that telling your teacher your non-existent dog ate your homework isn’t going to get you anywhere! πŸ˜€












It was super short.



Score 1 for the Ponguinda.

Ponguinda–1 /// anyone reading this post—0


You can’t beat a Ponguinda. Β EVER. This is a lesson YOU learnt the hard way.


Everything and Nothing #3

Guess who’s back from a school trip?


It’s the Ponguinda πŸ˜€


The trip was amazing and sooo pretty and I loved every part of it. I came back just a few hours ago so I’m super tired so this is going to be a short post and then I’ll add another post SOON (honestly don’t know when) with a ton of pictures and things.

I’ve come back with a gazillion memories of the trip cause of all the fun we had. I’ll admit the bus journeys got a little tedious towards the end (we travelled everywhere by bus so we spent like 3-9 hours on a bus at times) but I’d never do anything differently. One of the places we stayed at was a resort deep inside the forest so we had to take jeeps into the forest for a 30 minute ride to the resort and trust me, those jeep rides were AMAZING. At night the place looked as though we were characters in the Slenderman game and our conversations involved unicorns ATLEAST thrice in every jeep ride.


Anyway,Β now that I’m back I’ll try to be more regular with my posts and all that ( TRY is the operative word). The life of a teenager is a tough one and that of a Ponguinda is even tougher (trust me, I’m living it). I think I’m going to go and sleep now (trust me, I’m lying πŸ˜‰ I’ll spend my time catching up on my Interent life ). Is it weird if I say that my Internet life is sometimes more interesting than my actual life?

Oh, and another reason Luke Hemmings and I should meet, become best buddies and ride off into Penguin Land (Unicorns exist here. Just saying) together is that I checked Twitter a few hours back and every other member had some or the other drama going on but Luke just tweeted “Hiiiiiii” and the fact that he was moody and jet lagged,basically we’re two parts of a mind. It’s crazy telepathy I tell you. I think I fangirl(ed) for an hour after that.


Okay now I really need to sleep before I fall asleep without finishing this post.

You’re never going to be as awesome as a Ponguinda but you can try,

Ponguinda aka a Seriously Confused Teenager.


Everything and Nothing #2

Hello Earthlings, it’s the Ponguinda here.

I think I prefer my internet friends over humans.

They understand the life of a ponguinda aka the life of an extremely weird and awkward teenager.


I sound like a crazy version of Michael Clifford now.. I think we’d get along brilliantly. And to all those who don’t know him? He’s punk rock. Google him immediately. Like RIGHT NOW. Don’t even read any further. Just google him. Well, you can read if you want to…. cause you realize that my life’s extremely interesting…. NOT!

*fangirls over Luke Hemmings* <—— Randomness defined. f

Oh Oh Oh the only interesting thing that’s happening is that I’m off on a school trip today πŸ™‚

YAAAAAY!! OMG I cannot waaait πŸ˜€

so basically I won’t be on for a week.. please don’t miss my awesomeness πŸ˜‰

I think I’ll go to sleep now for a while.

*not happening since I’ll spend all the time I have left watching youtubers.*

And I had to ask anyone reading this extremely unamusing post… Do YOU think I should become a YouTuber? Comment to let me know πŸ™‚


WOW You made it till the end πŸ™‚ You deserve an award..

Maybe chocolate mousse?

NEVER. Follow my golden policy “If it’s chocolate, then it’s mine.”

May the chocolate be EVER in your favour.

I’m still weird. I’m a teenager. It’s all connected. Figure it out and if you can’t? Deal with it.


30 Day Challenge: Day 20

30 Day Challenge

Day 20: Discuss your celebrity crush.






Anyone knows this adorable penguin?



My ultimate celebrity crush.

I mean he’s a penguin and I’m a Ponguinda with a pet unicorn. We’d be amazing friends πŸ˜€

I really want to meet him…. and the enitre band πŸ˜€

5 Seconds of Summer is my favourite band πŸ™‚


*fangirls to level-EXTREME*

That’s all I have to say.