
What To Do When You’re Bored…

After a grueling few weeks of late night studying, prepping for my exams, procrastinating (well, obviously) and finally turning up and writing my papers, I’m free as a bird.

But… one week into my vacations and I’m terribly bored. I almost feel like going back to school.. ALMOST.  

And it’s not like I haven’t done anything these vacations.. I mean we planned a surprise party for my friend.. turning up at her place at 12 AM and all that, went for a pool party, baked till I dropped and all that but now? Now I’m just completely bored. SO bored am I that I remembered that I haven’t blogged in a while and I’m on here writing this post.. 

So being the genius that I am (you can laugh now) I decided to come up with 5 things to do when you’re bored.. Trust me, this isn’t as easy as it seems.. and credits go to various users on Tumblr where I’ve been spending a lot of time recently..

Here’s 5 things that YOU can do if you’re ever bored. I’m not going to add becoming an Internet-potato because let’s face it, you already are one if you’re reading this post and want something else to do.

1) Prank call people – Amuses you, pisses the person on the other end and you’re no longer bored. It’s pretty much a win-win situation for you 😀


2) Have various competitions- If you aren’t sick of seeing your friends call them over and have silly and useless competitions e.g. Who can eat the most amount of cinnamon powder in a minute and so on..



3) Go for a road trip –  You could go with your family or friends or both. They’re a brilliant way to not be bored anymore. 


4) Start doing things and checking stuff off your bucket list- Okay, so everyone has a bucket list. If you don’t have one then make one. Then start doing the stuff so that you’re no longer bored, feel a tiny bit more productive and you even get your bucket list ticked off. (Ways to feel happy about yourself)


5) Do something creative – Write a song or a book, paint or draw ( even though you’re horrible at both. I know I am). You can even make mix tapes, just focus your mind on something else so you don’t think about how bored you were any more.



So that covers what you can do when you’re bored.. Meanwhile, I’ll be over here spending my days on Tumblr, YouTube and procrastinating about how I’m going to do something productive today….

An Extremely Bored Teenager.  


Everything and Nothing #2

Hello Earthlings, it’s the Ponguinda here.

I think I prefer my internet friends over humans.

They understand the life of a ponguinda aka the life of an extremely weird and awkward teenager.


I sound like a crazy version of Michael Clifford now.. I think we’d get along brilliantly. And to all those who don’t know him? He’s punk rock. Google him immediately. Like RIGHT NOW. Don’t even read any further. Just google him. Well, you can read if you want to…. cause you realize that my life’s extremely interesting…. NOT!

*fangirls over Luke Hemmings* <—— Randomness defined. f

Oh Oh Oh the only interesting thing that’s happening is that I’m off on a school trip today 🙂

YAAAAAY!! OMG I cannot waaait 😀

so basically I won’t be on for a week.. please don’t miss my awesomeness 😉

I think I’ll go to sleep now for a while.

*not happening since I’ll spend all the time I have left watching youtubers.*

And I had to ask anyone reading this extremely unamusing post… Do YOU think I should become a YouTuber? Comment to let me know 🙂


WOW You made it till the end 🙂 You deserve an award..

Maybe chocolate mousse?

NEVER. Follow my golden policy “If it’s chocolate, then it’s mine.”

May the chocolate be EVER in your favour.

I’m still weird. I’m a teenager. It’s all connected. Figure it out and if you can’t? Deal with it.