
Everything and Nothing #3

Guess who’s back from a school trip?


It’s the Ponguinda 😀


The trip was amazing and sooo pretty and I loved every part of it. I came back just a few hours ago so I’m super tired so this is going to be a short post and then I’ll add another post SOON (honestly don’t know when) with a ton of pictures and things.

I’ve come back with a gazillion memories of the trip cause of all the fun we had. I’ll admit the bus journeys got a little tedious towards the end (we travelled everywhere by bus so we spent like 3-9 hours on a bus at times) but I’d never do anything differently. One of the places we stayed at was a resort deep inside the forest so we had to take jeeps into the forest for a 30 minute ride to the resort and trust me, those jeep rides were AMAZING. At night the place looked as though we were characters in the Slenderman game and our conversations involved unicorns ATLEAST thrice in every jeep ride.


Anyway, now that I’m back I’ll try to be more regular with my posts and all that ( TRY is the operative word). The life of a teenager is a tough one and that of a Ponguinda is even tougher (trust me, I’m living it). I think I’m going to go and sleep now (trust me, I’m lying 😉 I’ll spend my time catching up on my Interent life ). Is it weird if I say that my Internet life is sometimes more interesting than my actual life?

Oh, and another reason Luke Hemmings and I should meet, become best buddies and ride off into Penguin Land (Unicorns exist here. Just saying) together is that I checked Twitter a few hours back and every other member had some or the other drama going on but Luke just tweeted “Hiiiiiii” and the fact that he was moody and jet lagged,basically we’re two parts of a mind. It’s crazy telepathy I tell you. I think I fangirl(ed) for an hour after that.


Okay now I really need to sleep before I fall asleep without finishing this post.

You’re never going to be as awesome as a Ponguinda but you can try,

Ponguinda aka a Seriously Confused Teenager.

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