blog entertainment funny humour life music quotes songs teenager

A Teenagers Take on the 3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 1

Hey guys,

I figured I’d get started on one of the challenges that’s definitely going to take me more than a day to complete πŸ™‚

So I’d like to thank two of my favourite bloggers for nominating me –Β Every Word You SayΒ andΒ Paradoxical Sadness. If you haven’t already been to their blogs (which is slightly impossible), do so! They’re both amazing πŸ™‚



So the rules for this challenge are-Β 

1. Thank the person who nominated you – THANKS SO MUCH πŸ˜€

2. Post a quote for 3 days

Today’s quote is (you’ve probably seen this before on here) :- “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour” – Dash and Lily’s Book Of Dares

People who can laugh, be sarcastic and have a good sense of humour are my favourite people. πŸ™‚

3. Nominate 3 other blogs. Okay, so I think everyone I know has done this at some point but here it goes-

1.Β A Clouds LifeΒ (one of my newest blogger friends) πŸ™‚

2.Β Life of a 17 Year Old IndianΒ (she gets me πŸ˜› )

3.Β Quizzically ChallengedΒ ( we bonded over “loud” teachers πŸ˜› )


And you HAVE to hear this mashup by Anthem Lights.. It sounds so good πŸ™‚ I’ve recently become slightly addicted to their covers and this is a pretty old one(It’s like 3 years old) but I cannot get over it.


That’s it for today,

I will be posting again tomorrow πŸ™‚

A Really Sleepy Teenager.Β