blog entertainment funny high school humour life music photo picture sarcasm songs teen teenager Uncategorized Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on The Miranda Sings Award

Hey guys,

Guess who’s back in less than a day?

Don’t guess. Because well, you’re obviously reading this post on my blog and why would I be talking about someone else? I don’t even know why I write what I write at times (which is about 99% of the time). 

Anyway, I was nominated for this really amazing award and since I haven’t been nominated for a while and I was too lazy to finish up all my other awards from last year… I decided this one just HAD to be done. Also, my friend is a huge Miranda Sings fan so it’d be weird if I didn’t do this 🙂

So without rambling on about something that makes no sense, I’m just going to start with the award. 

Here are all the rules:

* Announce your win with a post and link the blogger who nominated you.

* Include the featured image on your blog post.

* Nominate 10 bloggers (or as many as you can think of) and link your awardees in the post.

* List 7 things you love about yourself (This can be about your appearance, your personality, your achievements, etc.)

* Don’t use negative connotation. (I.e. Don’t say things like – I’m prettier than an average person or People have told me I’m smart. You ARE pretty. You ARE smart.)

Here we go, 

Firstly, a HUGE thanks to My Daily Inkling for the nomination. You should check her blog out because it’s pretty awesome 😀


And there’s the featured picture with Miranda 🙂

And now we get to the 7 things I love about myself.. (I didn’t realize how hard it was to come up with 7. I’m not even kidding. ) Anyway, here they are

1. I’m good at writing. It’s always been something I’ve been good at.. Probably because I started reading from a really young age..Also, if you read, there’s a really good chance that we’ll become friends 🙂

2. I’m really sarcastic. And I believe sarcasm is a great attribute to have because it just adds to your sense of humour and I love people who have a dry sense of humour. It really makes life fun.

3. I can bake. Brownies, Lemon Cheesecakes,Shepherd’s Pie…Not to mention Cookie-Cakes. It’s really fun to bake and it’s so therapeutic! 

4. I’m a good listener. It’s always been one thing that I like about myself.

5. I have good music taste. This is so subjective because sometimes I’ll listen to completely random songs and then wonder what’s wrong with me.. But mostly, I have good music taste. 

6. I make friends easily.. I’ve changed schools 4 times till now and it’s never been hard to make friends. I still keep in touch with them. I even talk to the people I met at an MUN two years ago. 

7. I’m not too fazed by things. Like it’d take something really huge to mildly shock me. It’s probably because I already plan to think about the worst case-scenarios and the best case ones. 

Lastly, here are some beautiful bloggers who are nominated and you should visit their bloggers 🙂


  1. Kiss My Cassidy
  2. Life Of A 17 Year Old Indian
  3. Luna
  4. AKA The Author
  5. Everything And Nothing (THIS IS NOT ME. I PROMISE)
  6. Georgie Girl
  7. A Cloud’s Life
  8. Arielle
  9. Paradoxical Sadness
  10. Elm


And that’s about it 🙂

Hope you guys liked it 🙂 It took me a considerable amount of time to list those 7 points down 😛

I’ve been thinking about making a logo or something that basically symbolises this blog.. I don’t really know what it’s going to look like but I really want to. Let me know if you think it’s a good idea or if you have any inputs by either commenting or emailing me at

Song of the Day:


And that’s it for today’s post 🙂
I’ll be posting again next monday 

Till then,

A Very Studious Teenager.

blog entertainment high school humour life teen teenager Uncategorized Young-Adult

The Spirit Animal Blog Award


Before I take a break, I would like to start the “Spirit Animal Blog Award”. It’s an award for the blogs you believe has the most soul and the ability to showcase themselves for who they truly are 🙂


The rules for this are incredibly simple. 

1. Once you’re nominated, add the picture to your blog

spirit animal

2. Write a short(I mean it could literally be 5 lines) description about yourself and what your blog means to you. Oh and if you were an animal, which animal would you be? (No buzzfeed answers pleeease)

3. Nominate 10 other bloggers to do the same.

4. That’s it really 🙂

My nominations for this award are:-

1. Sincerely Reine

2. A Teenage Diary Online

3. Just Elm

4. Lyf With Em

5. I’m Just A Dreamur

6. A Very Awkward Blog

7. Alternative Sunny Days

8. Paradoxical Sadness

9. Partially Endurable Rachel

10. The Inspirational Dreamer


I hope this actually passes on and doesn’t become an *epic fail* (since this is the last thing I wanted to do before I’m off for a while)


I’ll be waiting to see the nominations 🙂

A Teenager.

blog entertainment funny humour life music quotes sarcasm songs teenager Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on the Liebster Award

Caution: Before you read any further, I shall disclose that this a humongous post. Read at your own risk. 

Hey guys,

This is going to be another post on one of the awards I had been nominated for. I know the Liebster Award is only for blogs with less than 200 followers, but I was nominated when I was at 197 followers… so I’m guessing I can still do this 😀 

I had always wanted to be nominated for this award (it’s pretty creepy how much I wanted it) and you cannot IMAGINE how happy I was when I saw that I was nominated by 3 of my favourite bloggers on here! 😀


So a major thank-you to Life of a 17 Year Old Indian , Paradoxical Sadness and Every Word You Say. If for some odd reason you haven’t come across their blogs yet, visit them because all of them are amazing 🙂

And before this goes on to be longer than I ever imagine it to… I’m just going to get started. Here are the rules-

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you – THANKS YOU GUYS 😀

2. Answer the questions that the nominator gave you

 Okay, so I’m going to start with Every Word You Say’s questions first-

 1. If you had to sum up your life in one sentence, what would it be?

Ans. It would probably be : Sleeping, Procrastinating, Eating and Being Confused; Do not disturb or else you’ll be hit with mindless ramblings.  (Yepp, that sums it up)

2. What is your dream job?

Ans . Okay, honest question: Does procrastination count? I’m already a professional at it. 

But to be a little more serious, my dream jobs (yes, it’s plural) would be- opening a small bakery, becoming a food critic (travelling the world and having a T.V. show and all that) and probably becoming an author. 

3. What is your favourite thing about yourself? (feature, personality or both)

Ans. It’s probably my sense of sarcasm (if there’s even a thing called sense of sarcasm). I mean I’m becoming so sarcastic that sometimes I don’t even know if I’m being serious or not. 

4. Do you own any pets?

Ans. Unfortunately, no.

5. What sounds can you hear right now?

Ans. My younger brother whining about homework and a cover version of Bad Blood. I’ll probably put the video in this post.. 

6. If you could only keep one physical object that you own and everything else would be destroyed, what would you keep?

Ans. This is going to sound slightly ridiculous.. but probably food. (Is food even counted?) Because you cannot ask me to choose one thing, there’s so many! 

7. What were you like when you were growing up?

Ans. I was annoying. Plain and simple. If I met my younger self right now, I’d probably yell at her (or me, I don’t know)

8. What’s your favourite movie?

Ans. I’m not much of a movie person… so I really can’t answer this..

9. When was the last time you laughed and why?

Ans. About fifteen minutes ago at something my mother said…  and then five minutes ago when I heard my brother whine about 6th grade studies (poor kid has no idea what’s going to happen when he enters high school)

10. What is your happiest memory?

Ans. I have a lot of happy memories and it’s going to take ages if I sit and write all of them (hence I shall spare you all the torture)

And that’s it for Every Word You Say’s questions.. I loved them all 🙂

The next set of questions that I’m going to do is from Paradoxical Sadness and her questions are- 

1. If you could pick one which one would it be? Your options are: editor for the school newspaper or school quarterback?

Ans. Easiest answer ever: Editor for the school newspaper!

2. Writing or reading or drawing?

Ans. More like writing and reading. Definitely not drawing. My artistic abilities extend to stick figures only.

3. Favourite food and why?

Ans. I’m going to go with anything sweet (basically chocolate). And do I really need a reason for being in love with chocolate? Okay here’s one: It’ll never break your heart and will always be there for you! 🙂

4. Do you like turtles and/or tortoises?

Ans. I think they’re cute but I’m neutral towards them.

5.  What is your idea of the perfect gift for a loved one?

Ans. This differs from person to person, but I love to give DIY things to them.. I basically hand them a box of homemade brownies these days.

6. What do you think of 50 Shades of Grey?

Ans. Umm.. *awkward silence* Let’s move on. 

7.  What Hogwarts house do you identify yourself with and why?

Ans. Fellow Potterhead! *gives you a fist bump* Okay, so I identify myself as a Ravenclaw even though I’d love to be in Gryffindor. It’s probably because I admire what Ravenclaw stands for and I’d fit in much better there.

8. Best piece of poetry you’ve read?

Ans. I’m horrible with these answers. I cannot choose the best one. It’s just not possible. But a friend of mine writes amazing songs and poetry so go check her blog out – Tessellating Sunshine 🙂

9. Do you like Facebook?

Ans. Not anymore. I don’t think I’ve been on there for a while now..

10. HAHAHAHA. I laughed for 10 minutes straight! Thanks for that 🙂

AND that’s it for the questions by Paradoxical Sadness..Thanks again for nominating me :))

Now the final 10 questions from Life of a 17 Year Old Indian.. Here it goes-

1. What is your favourite sound?

Ans. That’s a pretty interesting question.. my favourite sound would probably be the music I’m listening to, the sound of my parents agreeing to whatever I’ve said and the sound of rain. I love the rain and thunderstorms…

2. If you could travel to one place in the world for free, which place would it be and why?

Ans. Could I travel the world instead?

3. Your favourite food?

Ans. Done this one before.. chocolate 🙂

4. What would you name your life if it were a book?

Ans. I’ve actually come up with quite a few titles that could easily become best-sellers.. Here are some of the best ones – 

1) The Life of A Crazy Teenager

 2)Weird Life Of An Even Weirder Teenager

 3) Confessions of a Chocoholic

 4) A Foodies Guide To Life

 5) Everything and Nothing

5. How often do you do something that you love?

Ans. Very often.. My hobbies are very simple and they’re stress-busters so I end up spending a lot of time on my hobbies.. 

6. Who makes you the happiest in the world?

Ans. My family. I know I haven’t mentioned my friends but the friends I’m talking about are also family 🙂

7. If you could date a fictional character, who would it be?

Ans. Can Luke Hemmings be counted? Please? He’s practically a fictional character!

8. What is the philosophy you go by?

Ans. I don’t really have a philosophy (shows you exactly how confused I am) but my parents keep stressing the point that I need to work really hard to get where I want to be because in their words “There are no free lunches”

9. What is more important to you? Career or love?

Ans. I’ve never been in “love” and my only career has been studying.. But I’d still probably choose career.

10. What is the first thing you see to your left?

Ans. A pencil. I’m going to stab those zombies with my pencil. 

WHEEEW. I’m finally done with all the questions.  *feels really proud*

The next rule says that I must nominate 10 more blogs.. Here they are

1. Tessellating Sunshine

2. The Turtle That Never Hit The Sea

3. Teenage Lunatics

4. Grxwn Up

5. Insomniac Fangirl

6. Quizzically Challenged

7. Kiss My Cassidy

8. A Clouds Life

9. Alternative Sunny Days

10. Dream Wanderer

And the 10 questions that YOU have to answer are-

1. Youtube or Vine?

2. Books or movies?

3. What’s your idea of a vacation?

4. Why’d you start blogging?

5. If you were a fictional character, who would you be?

6. Favourite band/ artist?

7. 3 pet peeves?

8. Things you like? (Name any 5)

9. Favourite quotes (You can write more than one)

10. Would you rather live a life to the fullest or take some caution?

  AND that’s it for today’s super-super-super long post! If you did like it, then you know the drill: like, comment, reblog, follow and all that 😛 Also, I will be posting on Monday again… and then I hope to post a couple more awards so that I have no backlog 😛 Also, now you probably know me better than 60% of the people I know 🙂

This is one of my favourite covers of Bad Blood… I just wish the lip syncing was a little better though.. 

Till Monday,

A With Aching Hands Teenager (not grammatically correct, I know)

blog entertainment funny humour life music quotes sarcasm songs teenager Uncategorized

A Teenagers Take on the Very Inspiring Blogger Award

It’s not a Monday but I just had to do this post. It won’t be too long.. or atleast I hope it won’t.

You guys I’m beyond happy to tell you guys I got nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by…. wait for it…. ELM. *EDIT OMG Every Word You Say also nominated me.. I absolutely cannot thank you guys enough. If you haven’t already been to their blogs.. do so immediately. They’re pretty awesome 🙂 


So I’m just going to get right to it

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog. Thanks again Elm 🙂

2. Add the logo to your post. Done *puts a checkmark* 

3. Nominate 10 bloggers that inspire you. 

Okay so I’m sure most of you have been nominated for before but I had to-

1. Dream Wanderer

2. Every Word You Say   (this was before I saw that she nominated me)

3. Paradoxical Sadness

4. My Personal Teen Life

5. Cloud Busting

6. Unfashionable Cupcake

7. Sam O Bscure

8. Your Miniinfinity

9. A Teenage Diary Online

10. One Bridge of Hope

And now for the questions that I must answer-

1. In your personal life, who do you think inspires you the most? – I think it’s the people who have a direct influence on me like my parents and friends. It’s a cliche answer but it’s true. Also, books and certain songs inspire me as well 🙂

2. Who is your role model?- I don’t have one particular person that I look upto but several of them. I look upto Katniss and Tris from Hunger Games and Divergent. I look up to Hermione Granger for her intellect. And then there’s my parents who are my obvious role models and my friends because they’re the ones who make up a large part of my support system. 

3.  Do you make efforts to make others feel emotionally and mentally stronger? For example- boost their confidence or give them suggestions? – For sure. But I’ll only do that if there’s an iota of truth in what I’m saying. I don’t believe in giving false hope to people or giving them wrong suggestions just to make them feel better because in the long run it’ll only make them feel worse. So it’s better if the truth is told gently if it’s bad and with crazy happiness if it’s good. It’s the candor that matters more than all the superficial things you can say to someone. 

4. What sound do you hear at this moment? – My younger brother’s studying for a test so I can hear his voice and of course I can hear music. Tyler Ward’s cover of Blank Space to be more precise..

5. What’s your favorite quote? – There’s just way too many.. From books, movies and songs.. My favorite quotes are from all over but if someone asked me right now? It’d be “It’s just nice I guess. Knowing that someone else can put into words what I feel. That there are people who have been through things worse than I have and they came out the other side okay. Not only that but they made some kind of twisted, messed-up sense of the completely senseless. They made it mean something. These songs tell me I’m not alone. If you look at it that way, music… music can see you through anything.” – Saving June

However my favorite quotes keep changing. But this one I really like. It’s stayed with me for a long time… 

And that’s about it for this post 😀

If you like Blank Space by Taylor Swift, listen to this amazing cover by Tyler Ward 

I’ll be posting on Monday from now on again so follow me so that you’ll know when I post 🙂

If you did like this post please like, comment, reblog, rate it or follow me.. Also lemme know what you thought about it by either commenting or emailing me 🙂

Till Monday,

A Kinda Inspired Teenager

blog entertainment funny humour life songs teenager

A Teenagers Take On The Sisterhood Of The World Blogger Award

So when I opened up my blog today I could not believe the fact that I had gotten nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award. LIKE WHAT EVEN.  So of course I had to post even though it’s not a Monday. But I will be posting again on Monday as well so yeaa… 


ANWAY, back to the award. 


I’m still kinda reeling in shock that someone would actually choose me 😛

Thanks Teenage Diary for being the one to nominate me 🙂




Okay so here are the rules

1) Thank the blogger that nominated you and post a link to their site (done done done. Go check her site out. It’s pretty amazing)

2) Put the award logo on your site (How on earth do you do that? If you do know that please lemme know cause I seriously have no clue)

3) Answer the questions

4) Nominate seven blogs 

So my nominations are-

1) Cloud Busting

2) Every Word You Say

3) Just Elm

4) Paradoxial Sadness

5) Mini Infinity

6) Ashlyn Taylour

7) Just Your Typical Teenage Girl

And now for the questions-

1. In one word, how would you like your readers to describe your blog? 

Probably random, because that’s exactly what my blog is. The topics I write about are random. If I throw in a couple of the poems I’ve written, they’re random too. So to be honest, my blog is just very random. And it also happens to be a reflection of me, cause well I happen to be spontaneous. The dancing on the road with my friends just because we felt like it spontaneous. Which in teenager terms is either called random or weird. I’m okay with being called either. It’s fun seeing people connect with what I’ve written and I’ve loved every minute of it. Holy moly. They just asked for one word and you just had to start rambling didn’t you?


2. Which is your favorite among all your blog posts and why?

I like to think about my blog as a safe haven where I can pretty much post anything and not be judged because of it. My blog is like one of those dishes which have everything and nothing in them with some sides of utterly weird ramblings and musings and a glass full of an opinionated teenagers opinions with just the right amount of fizz. I just read that and it made no sense but I’m not deleting it. Anyway, if I had to choose a favorite post it’d probably be between a) “10 Posts That Describe What A Teenager Goes Through” because I had the funniest time finding those posts and getting all nostalgic. Plus it was then that I realized the direction I want this blog to go in and decided to do things a little differently than I had before and b) “Hilarious Blog Post Prompt QandAs And A Couple of Amazing Songs” because I had a really good time writing this post with one of my closest friends.

3. What, who inspires your blog posts? 

My blog posts are literally taken from things I’ve seen and done and things I want to see and do. My inspiration cannot just be credited to one person or thing because I get inspired from again anything and everything. There are times when I spend almost 4 days writing a post because I’m not feeling inspired and then there’s times where I spout out a post in 15 minutes flat. My inspirations is therefore life. And of course there must be sufficient credit given to Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Bloggers and to the people I know who are crazy enough to be my friends. 


4. What do you aspire to learn this year?

This one’s simple. Math. It’s something I hate but I’m hoping I can learn to love it before my finals. Oh and learning how to bake a rainbow cake. Somehow I never get to the 7 layers, I get slightly bored and then leave it. Then there’s also the fact that I aspire to stop procrastinating as much as I do… When you come to think of it there’s a lot on the list.. But Math’s the most important.


5. What is your favorite book? Why?

I kinda hate questions like this because my favorite book is one that is never the same. I was reading “A Work in Progress” by Conner Franta and that was one book I really liked. But right now I’m going through the “Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares” phase again. Recently I also had the Sarah Dessen phase where I re-read all the books I have of hers. I really liked “Along for the Ride”, “What Happened to Goodbye” and “Just Listen”. But one of my constant favorites had been “Saving June”. That book really gets to me for some reason. Anyway, this is what my answer looks like if you ask me for my favorite book.


6. What’s the most courageous thing you have ever done?

“We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.” – Divergent. Probably the most courageous thing I’ve ever done is stand up for what I believe in no matter who I’m up against. 


7. If you could be a superhero what would your superpower be?

I’ve actually given this a lot of thought in the past because I’m writing a story (a sci-fi one) and the protagonist hadn’t been given a power yet.. After a lot of consideration I think it’d be rad if I could control the elements. Fire, Earth, Air and Water.



8.  Who is your female role model?

Closer home my female role models are my mother, (but obvious, she has to deal with a loon like me) and my close friends (they’re all amazing and there’s something to learn from all of them). Other than that I find Jennifer Lawrence to be slightly amazing. 


If you haven’t already heard this version of Flashlight by Hailee Steinfeld, please do. It’s amazing. 


That’s about it for this post 🙂

If you have been nominated by me, get right to it 😛

And I shall see you all on Monday,

A Still Can’t Believe I Got Nominated Teenager