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It’s time to go: of college, life, and relationships

Like always, it’s really been a while on here :))

In other news, I’ve decided to start a blog on Medium, and this was the first post I put on there – sort of trying to create a difference between my writing blog (which is this) and one where I just talk about life and trying to figure out myself (because what better way to do it, than on the internet) So if you do like posts like this one, go follow me on Medium (and hopefully, I’ll be more regular with my updates on there)!

I’m going to do something I haven’t done in a while (years, if I really think about it)- be honest with myself, and that too on the internet. It’s actually quite ironic, if I really think about it, how my first post on here, is about saying goodbye to quite a few things that I’ve become attached to through the years.

I’ve sat here, in front of this screen for far too long, trying to write this, in a way that’s somehow comprehensible(?) and I’m sure this will still be all over the place, with a whole lot of rambling; but I needed to do this. Really get this off my chest, after having sat with these feelings for at least the past year and a half, which have grown, and grown into feelings that I can no longer ignore.

I think what really prompted this was my realisation that I tend to run from attachments, I always have, and never really understood why. But I’ve had way too much time on my hands to think (which really, is never a great idea for me), but I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s probably because I get attached very easily — and to pretty much everything- people, places and things, all of it. Case in point? The one guy I “talked” to in high school, and sometimes still do, just because I don’t know how to let go of things that are best left in the past, simply because I’m attached to them, or the version that I used to know.

And this doesn’t translate into a lot of happiness, because you have to say goodbye at some point, right? People leave, you leave places and things don’t last, and that’s alright. Or at least, it should be alright, except it never really feels okay, and while the excruciating pain you feel when saying goodbye fades into nostalgia, or moments that you recollect which feel like hugs when you’re on your own but feel so bittersweet, I never really feel completely at peace with it; I never really feel like I got closure, even though I did.

So I’ve done my best throughout the years to not get attached, y’know? Keep the conversations superficial, don’t give too much of yourself to any person or place, and if it feels like it’s getting too heavy or you’re getting in too deep, leave. Not the best coping mechanism, I know but it’s worked out most of the time, and that’s not to say I haven’t made some great friendships or had some amazing relationships being born despite this, because I have. They’ve crept up on me pretty steadily over the years, and I’ve given pieces of myself to these people, without really wondering whether they would stay, because I was so sure that they would, and if they didn’t? I’d be okay with that too, because of how much these people have meant to me.

The most recent thing I’ve had to say goodbye to recently, and one I didn’t even realise I was so attached to, is my college- graduating is always tough but graduating in the middle of a pandemic? that hits you so much harder. My issues with never feeling like I get closure definitely didn’t help with this either, because I never actually got closure in this case; quite literally the last time I saw my dorm room was through a phone screen, when I was facetiming the packers who were picking apart my belongings and dumping them in cartons and suitcases- 20 minutes of a facetime and 4 suitcases and cartons later, they were done; and so was I.

The physical manifestation of me being done with college hit me hard, extremely hard, but not as much as it truly hit me, when I was unpacking the boxes in my parent’s house, where I’d lived for 18 years of my life before going to college, and had over the past year and a half become “home” again. It finally dawned on me, that I could never go back to the place I’d begun to call home five years ago, and that nothing would be the same. We were graduating, people were moving on with their lives, we had jobs that we were joining, becoming full-fledged adults, and for some reason, at that moment, I felt like I was still stuck, right where I’d left college physically- on a Friday afternoon, thinking I’d be back in two weeks, and living out my last years of college- with people I’d come to love and in a place, I’d become so attached to, that leaving that part of life, almost seemed like an impossible task.

And that’s the thing right? I never expected to feel this way about a place, especially because I try my best not to get too close, not to feel too much, and not to hurt so much, but here I am, as attached as ever, to a place, people and a life that I’d grown to love.

Writing this was supposed to be therapeutic, and in a sense it was. I suppose I’ll never get the closure I needed from this part of my life, or the many people I’ve had to say goodbye to (most of them through a phone/laptop screen), without really knowing when I’d see them again in person, but there is a new and exciting part of my life that lies ahead, and I’m looking forward to that.

And I’m sure I’ll still keep the millions of memories made over the years- from running to catch a hot chocolate fix before class to staying up all night watching movies, and feel the warmth of those memories, along with all the sadness of how it ended. So while it’s time to go- and let go of this part of my life, the memories will never really leave, and I think maybe, just maybe, I won’t be so terrified of getting attached anymore.

Hope you liked this! As always, let me know your thoughts or if you’ve had similar experiences :)) And if you did like this, check out my blog on Medium!

Till next time :))

blog life poems Uncategorized Young-Adult

Blank Screen

Image Credits:

TW: mention of scars

Blank screen

Tried finding words

To fill them

Head heavy

Mind completely numb

Took a break

Didn’t realise

Had issues she

Needed to unpack

Scars left

Through the years

Ignored, not forgotten

Deep breaths

Taken once again

Turned back to the blank screen

Those treacherous memories ignored once more

Started typing

Slow at first

Trying to pretend

“You’re okay”

“Pretend you’re someone”

“Anyone but you”

Deluded herself

Into writing and

Escaping herself entirely

Needed help

Ignored by others

Everything seemed fine

Slept unsoundly

Woke to see

Illusion in place; she

Once again started to write as someone else.

Note: It’s been a long time coming but I’m back and I’ve started writing again!

If you’re new here, Hi! I like writing about everything under the sun, but I mainly focus on short snippets and poetry and baking. I’m also extremely indecisive as a person and that tends to be one of the reasons I don’t share too much of what I write- I just don’t think it’s great.

Do I think this is some of my best work? Not really but it’s been a while and I’m pretty okay with having to build my skills back again. Also, this was made out of the writing prompt “delusions”

Please do leave any constructive criticism because I would love to know what you think of this piece and what I could have done better 🙂

And I know I say this every single time I start posting on here again, but I’m going to try and do this regularly!

blog entertainment life teen teenager Uncategorized Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take On Being Fine With Who You Are

Hey guys,

Well, that was a seriously long title. (And this isn’t motivational) No, this isn’t a recent post. It’s one of those journal entry-like posts which I’ve never posted before. Since I’ve worked through this issue now, I’m deciding to post this. I haven’t cancelled out anything and it’s completely raw.  


I’m fat.

I thought writing that down would make me okay with it. It’s still not okay though. I don’t even know why a person’s looks matter so much. Shouldn’t it be who the person is and not how pretty the person looks? This world People are superficial. I’ve always been overweight. And I always thought I was okay with it. Completely fine. I even managed to convince the world that it didn’t matter what the world thought of me when they looked at me because all they saw was a face. They didn’t know me and they had absolutely no right to judge me.

But I was wrong. They did judge me. Even when they had no clue about who I was as a person. And that hurt. I’ve always been made fun of for being overweight. It was all done in a “light teasing” manner so that I never truly felt it. But some were incredibly rude. 

It never seemed to cross anyone’s mind that words hurt. However, when I’d be this rude A-hole back to them, I was being mean. So I decided to become mean. Because mean kids are never picked on since they “happen” to be emotionless. If someone had something to say about my weight and would tease me, I’d be mean right back. I put up this wall. And I became very self-conscious.

 I guess people don’t  didn’t really realise what their words were doing to me. I thought that putting up a wall meant that I wouldn’t have to even try to be nice. I could just lock up my emotions and put them away. But you can’t. Well, I couldn’t. Those words would still get to me, I just stopped flinching when someone brought up my weight or said that “She’ll know the best places to eat cause well, she’s always eating” in a light manner. 

I want to forget that those issues ever existed. I don’t think anyone should be made to feel like crap about themselves. Even the person I truly dislike doesn’t need to feel like no one would care if she wasn’t there even though she’s that mean to everyone else.  

In my junior year, I finally accepted myself for the way I look. I’d have these long conversations with myself where I’d rant about the world and how I wasn’t anything other than the person  thing I looked like. It’s taken me a long time to accept the way I look and be okay with it.

These days if someone makes a comment like the ones they used to, I’m okay with it. Because the truth is, I am overweight. They’re just pointing out facts, nothing more. They can’t do anything about that. And in a twisted way, they’re actually helping me realise what the world thinks of me when they first look at me. Because they don’t the person behind all that. They just know a face. 

So here it goes. Maybe this’ll help me move on and get over being self-conscious or maybe it’ll just with accepting myself the way I am:

I’m fat.


That took me forever to have the guts to post. It was just sitting there in my drafts section and I’ve wanted to post it for a while but I didn’t know if I was truly over the entire ordeal and if I was finally okay with how I looked. But I am now. If you’ve EVER gone through the same thing or are going through it, I’m here if you just want to talk. Because it does get better once you accept who you are and the way you look. It just takes time. If you haven’t heard of Amanda Todd and have never heard her story, the video’s a must watch. It’s one of the saddest ones I’ve ever heard.




 Till the next time I want to post another “draft”,

A Teenager Who Needs to Study.


blog entertainment funny life music poems songs teen teenager Young-Adult

A Teenagers Writing: Paper Doll

Hey guys,

Since I did a major post aka “The Best Friend Tag” just a couple of days ago, this post is going to be some of my really recent writing. Let me know what you think of this poem 🙂

Paper Doll ©

She was grasping at straws,

Trying to get through life,

Without having black touch her fair fingers.

Tried so hard to find something meaningful

In a world as twisted as hers

But she was grasping at straws.

Watched as the others fell

For outside a war waged on

But she tried to get through life.

Heard the shrieks as the Flies dropped to the ground,

She saw the smoke bellowing towards her and she ran

The other way so black wouldn’t touch her fair fingers.

Tried to find a place to call safe haven

She found Them in a dark corner and hoped the ordeal was over

But she was grasping at straws.

Lighting up those strange things until the black appeared

They told her to take a hit ‘cause it wouldn’t hurt

All she wanted to do was try to get through life.

So she took the tiny thing that produced the black

And reached a delirious stage while They looked on

She had tried so hard for the black not to touch her fair fingers.

Her skin was now paper white

Her heart full of black

She wanted to live but she was grasping at straws.

They stood up and walked away

Didn’t turn to look back at the girl they left at the corner

Didn’t care that she was trying to get through life.

She lay down feeling lifeless

Like a paper doll with no wings left to fly

For the black had touched her fair fingers.

And that’s it for today 🙂 Let me know if you like it and what I can do better as well. The feedback’s always great.

Also, if you haven’t heard this song yet, please do because it is an incredible cover 🙂

Till next time,

A Stressed Out For Her Last Exam Teenager

blog humour life music quotes songs teen teenager Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on Being Yourself


Okay, so the title turned out to sound so inspirational/ motivational which is definitely not what I write about. If I ever do write something like that I feel so pretentious because if you actually meet me, you’ll realize that I’m the last person who should be giving advice to anyone on practically any matter.. other than music and maybe books? 😛 

Anyway I decided to write this post because of well… I’ve been wanting to write this for quite some time and I needed to get it off my head and also because this is definitely more interesting than studying economics (I have an exam tomorrow). And for this post, I’m not going to edit anything so all the cancellations you see, is basically what I never put in any of my other posts.

Oh and this post has been in my draft section for quite some time like the past 7 or 8 months? So I’m just going to put in what I though at that point of time with what I think now. They’re going to be in different colours so yeaa.. Anyway here it is.  

It’s been a while since I’ve felt like myself. It honestly has. There’s this sort of tension building up in my head and it’s like everyday I become more closed off. And the thing is, I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I know many people out there are going to judge me or because they already do. It’s like I don’t know who I am anymore. I’m constantly adjusting my attitude to suit others so that I don’t appear meek or I don’t appear to be too snobby. And it’s been a while since I’ve met my closest friends to just talk and be myself so I don’t even have an outlet anymore. 

And what really takes the cake is that people all around me think I have my life together. They think I know where I’m going. They think I’m the only one of those people who has it all figured out. But I don’t. And it gets to me.    Oh and there’s the teachers who think I’m going to do well. I want to do well but the pressure is on and it’s really tough. Everyone either puts pressure on you to excel or says you’re never going to mount to much and that puts pressure on you to prove them wrong. Especially this year cause  is going to be my  it’s my senior year and there’s a ton of people my entire life (or so people say) depending on that.  I don’t feel like talking to anyone of them anymore. It’s just too damn hard to do that. I feel like I’m just putting up this facade of being happy all the time when I’m not. 

And it’s hard to keep it up. Whenever I’m alone, I feel like I’m going t  want to cry and let it out. It’s not that I can complain about my family, they’re brilliant and are entertaining in their own way but I can’t go to them and say “I just want to cry for no reason. Am I going mad?” They’ll put it down to teenage angst and some bullshit going on in school. Because I honestly don’t know why I feel this way. I know I’m not depressed or suffering from something but the sadness gets to me. And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way but I just feel so alone. Like I’ve distanced myself from everyone. I laugh along when I feel like I need to but it’s only when I feel it’s too much I quietly move away from there.  And the funny part is no one even seems to notice that. They seem to buy all the bullshit excuses that come out from my mouth and don’t even care. I know I sound selfish because I never used to care about things like this before and I used to take everything at face value.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that being yourself in a herd of people judging you and waiting to see you fall is tough, so you give in. You try to be someone they’ll like, someone who’ll fit in. Someone with no personality. Someone who’s a lost soul.  Someone who needs people puts up a facade and acts like everything’s okay when it’s really not. Being yourself is one that’s such a Utopian thought. But I’m trying to now. I really am. I don’t care what people say or talk about me anymore because it’s my life. Not theirs. And I’ve realised that being true to yourself and no one else is what matters more than anything. Because in this big world of problems and choices with people leading us on, the only constant is you. And it’s you who’s going to end up not recognizing yourself in the mirror. So decide whether it’s important to have people like you but judge you behind your back or just straight out dislike you but know who you are. Because that’s what lead you to make your decision in the future. 

And that’s about it.. I know I sound really happy when I talk to you guys on here and things like that but for some time in the middle, I wasn’t feeling like doing it.  myself. But I am now. 🙂 And I’m trying to stay that way. Focused on what I want. And who I want to be.

Yep.. that’s about it. There’s a lot of stuff that I don’t say and just keep in my draft section because I don’t know what response I’ll get- will I have more people judging me or actually have people relating to this, so I don’t post those. But I decided to this one because I’ve grown since then and I wanted to tell others that they’re really not alone if they’re going through the same thing. Because I know how hard it is to find yourself when you feel lost. And if you want to talk to me at all you can email me and I’ll get back to you ASAP. You could also share your story if you would like to by doing a guest post or commenting on here. I’m always welcome to that. 

For this post, I’ve added one of my favourite songs called Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.


P.S. (Important stuff here) And for those of you who’ve actually put up with me till the end of this post, I’d really want to know if I put together a book with like my poems, short stories and Teenagers Take (basically a book form of my blog) would you read it? I really want to know 🙂 So comment or email me if you would. 

Till the next time I post (it’s going to be a guest post),

A Still Studying Economics Teenager. 

blog entertainment funny humour life music photo picture sarcasm songs teen teenager Young-Adult

A Teenagers Take on Turning 17

I’m pretty pathetic at introductions to each post..

And the ending…

Sometimes my actual post turns out okay though.. *Sometimes being the operative word*


Anyway, it’s Monday and it’s pretty gloomy weather out here. It’s dull but it doesn’t rain and it’s super humid.. which is just annoying. Anyway, I decided to write a post on turning 17 because apparently it’s a rite of passage or something..

But it’s funny really at how I’m writing this post right now..

Purely because my birthday was a month ago.. more than  a month ago to be honest.

For all those of you who don’t know when my birthday is (that’s basically everyone here) it’s somewhere towards the end of June… Try guessing..

Also, to throw it out there, I’m a Gemini. Maybe your guesses are actually spot on. Lemme know though when you think my birthday was.. if you’re actually going to think about it. 

But the real reason I’m writing this post is because I was randomly going through my “Little About Me” page and I realised that my age is still 16 on there. I updated that right after luckily but that’s when it struck me that I’ve actually turned 17.

I know it’s a month later but this is when it finally struck me. And at the same time it struck me that I have just 5 more months of high school left and that I’m soon going to have to make some really touch decisions. It made me realise that in another year, I’m no longer going to be viewed as the confused and misunderstood teenager that I know I am, but an actual adult. Which makes all this so scary.

I always used to compare 17 to a place that was in the middle of nowhere but on the road to everywhere. I still do, but I’ve realised that 17 is so much more than that. Turning 17 signifies that you still have a year left to fulfill all the childish dreams that you have without all those judgmental stares. It’s a pretty darn important year cause after this no one’s going to buy the whole teenage angst story anymore. They’re going to view you as a responsible adult and think that you have your act together. 

What’s even more frightening than that? I don’t think I’m  going to have my act together in a year. There are so many times when someone asks me how old I am and my first answer’s going to be “16” but I quickly change it to “17”. It’s probably because when I say “16”, I know I have two more years and that seems like a lifetime but when I say “17”, 18 seems so near. 

17 might just be a number to many but once it dawned upon me that in a year there’s going to be so much more expected of me, I freaked. And the result of that is this post. 🙂

If you’ve turned 17 or are turning 17, you can always share your thoughts with me and each other by commenting 🙂 If you did like this post, like, rate, reblog, do whatever else 😛 or email-me 🙂

Also if you haven’t heard the latest 5 Seconds of Summer song “She’s Kinda Hot”, PLEASE listen to it. P.S. It’s nothing like She Looks So Perfect. And I’m a little addicted to this song right now so give it a try 🙂

And that’s all for today. 

Also, a tiny notice – I might not be able to post for a few weeks because I’ve got my exams and I really need to study for them 😛 So I’m sorry if I don’t update even though I’ll try to!

Till the next time,

A Tired of this Weather Teenager

blog books entertainment funny humour life music quotes sarcasm songs teenager Young-Adult

A Teenagers Review of : “Along For The Ride”

Hey there Monday. It’s good to see you again. *no, not really.*

Anyway, I’ve decided to do a few book reviews here and there and I decided to do my first one today! 

Here’s my take on Sarah Dessen’s “Along For The Ride”

Along for the ride

In really brief terms, the book’s about a girl and her summer before she goes off to college. It’s about exploring yourself and finding yourself in the mess you call life.

The book is written from Auden’s point of view. She’s academically brilliant and she’s worked her entire life to become that brilliant because that’s what is expected from her by her parents. Her parents are divorced and are both spectacular in their own fields, so they expect the same from her. She has an older brother who’s a free spirit and wanders all over Europe for half the book (he’s pretty entertaining). 

The summer before her college starts, Auden decides to go to visit her father and his new wife and spend the summer in a tiny beach town. It’s one summer that changes her perspective of people and makes her re-think who she wants to be. Even though what she does sounds mundane and easy enough, it’s really not (atleast once you start reading it, it’ll become clearer). She does things like helping out with her newborn half-sister, making new friends, riding a bike, meeting a guy and discovering herself. Did I mention riding a bike? 

For someone who thinks she has her life set in stone and knows exactly what she wants to do and judges people the moment they meet, she learns there’s a lot more than meets the eye. Then there’s also Eli, an ex-BMX racer who stopped racing after his best friend died in an accident (for which he blames himself). He becomes Audens late- night- drive -around- town- buddy(they’re both insomniacs) and they help each other through their struggles in life. 

I wish I could tell you more about the book other than what I just did but I’d be giving away a ton of spoilers. Which I clearly don’t want to do. HAHA. I wrote and deleted a ton of spoilers because well, I couldn’t help it. Anyway, I really enjoyed the book and if you do read it or are considering reading it, please do! It’s probably one of my favourite Sarah Dessen books. 

And here are 15 of my favourite quotes from the book –

1. “The bottom line is, what defines you isn’t how many times you crash, but the number of times you get back on the bike. As long as it’s one more. you’re all good.”

2. “It was terrible and awful when someone left you. You could move on, do the best you could, but like Eli had said, an ending was an ending. No matter how many pages of sentences and paragraphs of great stories led up to it, it would always have to have the last word.”

3. “You’re supposed to fail sometimes. It’s a required part of the human existence

4. “Society. The same society, I might add, that dictates that little girls should always be sugar and spice and everything nice, which encourages them not to be assertive. And that, in turn, then leads to low self-esteem, which can lead to eating disorders and increased tolerance and acceptance of domestic, sexual, and substance abuse.”

“You get all that from a pink Onesie?” Leah said after a moment.”

5. “Just because something’s damaged doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be treated with respect.’

‘Ad,’ Wallace said, ‘it’s a coffee table, not an orphan.”

6. “It’s the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth.”

7. “It was so risky and so scary, and yet at the same time, so beautiful. Maybe the truth was, it shouldn’t be easy to be amazing. Then everything would be. It’s the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something’s difficult to come by, you’ll do that much more to make sure it’s even harder -if not impossible- to lose.”

8.  “Call it Chicken Salad”

9. “…You can’t unlearn something, even if you want to. You know what you know.”

10. “…You don’t want the best of times to be just one thing, forever. You have to have a lot of bests of times, each one topping the last. You know?”

11. “ ‘My point is you’re different here.’
‘Hollis I’ve only been here for a month.’
‘A lot can happen in a month’ he replied. ‘Shoot in two weeks I met my future wife changed my entire life’s trajectory and bought my first tie.’
‘You bought a tie,’ I asked. Because honestly this was the most shocking part.”

12. “We didn’t talk about our scars, the ones you could see and the ones you couldn’t.”

13. “To me, summer has always been about potential. This was especially true when I was in high school. Those 3 or so months between 1 school year and the next always meant change. People got taller or wider or smaller. They broke up or came together, lost friends or gained them, had life experiences that you could tell had transformed them even if you didn’t know what they were. In the summer, the days were long, stretching into each other. Out of school, everything was on pause and yet happening at the same time, this collection of weeks when anything was possible. As a teenager, I was always hoping to change, to become someone other than who I was. Each summer, I felt I had the chance to do that. All I had to do was wait and see what happened.”

14. “Maybe if I’d agreed to do the debutante thing like she wanted. Or taken up pageants instead of riding jump bikes with a bunch of grungy boys. I’d always tell her, why can’t I do both? Who says you have to be either smart or pretty, or into girly stuff or sports? Life shouldn’t be about the either/or. We’re capable of more than that, you know?”

15. “Morning would come before we knew it. It always did. But we still had the night, and for now, we were together, so I just closed my eyes and drank it all in.”

I’m pretty sure everyone’s heard this song by now. It’s the Fight Song by Rachel Platten. If you haven’t heard it, please do! My favourite lines from this song are ” I have one match, but I can cause an explosion” *pretty amazing song*

AND that was the review. If you liked it make sure to like, rate, comment, reblog and follow and read the book 😛 Also, if you’d like me to do more reviews, then let me know by either emailing me or commenting because it always helps and if there’s any specific book/series/ anything at all really that you want me to do a review of, lemme know, again, by commenting or emailing 🙂

A Tired Teenager.

blog life photo picture teenager

To The Most Photogenic Squirrel I’ve Ever Seen


Here’s to the most photogenic squirrel I’ve ever seen.

Drama and Negativity stop you from being the best possible version of yourself. Simplicity is Perfection.


A Non-Photogenic Teenager


Just Random Poems

Happy Endings are just a myth,

Cause you and I know that they don’t really exist.

So you can dream and pretend not to care,

Cause all those myriad of emotions leave you feeling bare.


Random thoughts #1

Have you ever thought what you’d do if you woke up one day to find out that you’ve become a unicorn?

Like seriously?

What would you do?