blog life poems Uncategorized Young-Adult

Blank Screen

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TW: mention of scars

Blank screen

Tried finding words

To fill them

Head heavy

Mind completely numb

Took a break

Didn’t realise

Had issues she

Needed to unpack

Scars left

Through the years

Ignored, not forgotten

Deep breaths

Taken once again

Turned back to the blank screen

Those treacherous memories ignored once more

Started typing

Slow at first

Trying to pretend

“You’re okay”

“Pretend you’re someone”

“Anyone but you”

Deluded herself

Into writing and

Escaping herself entirely

Needed help

Ignored by others

Everything seemed fine

Slept unsoundly

Woke to see

Illusion in place; she

Once again started to write as someone else.

Note: It’s been a long time coming but I’m back and I’ve started writing again!

If you’re new here, Hi! I like writing about everything under the sun, but I mainly focus on short snippets and poetry and baking. I’m also extremely indecisive as a person and that tends to be one of the reasons I don’t share too much of what I write- I just don’t think it’s great.

Do I think this is some of my best work? Not really but it’s been a while and I’m pretty okay with having to build my skills back again. Also, this was made out of the writing prompt “delusions”

Please do leave any constructive criticism because I would love to know what you think of this piece and what I could have done better 🙂

And I know I say this every single time I start posting on here again, but I’m going to try and do this regularly!